Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 - Lê Ngọc Thạch

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Nội dung text: Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 10 - Lê Ngọc Thạch

  2. Date: REVISION Period: 1 T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 1. My friend___ to the museum last weekend. A. goes B. went C. had gone D. have gone 2. Thu and Lan___ close friends for years. A. are B. were C. had been D. have been 3. Our Singaporean friends ___ to visit our school last year. A. is coming B. come C. came D. have come 4. We___ Malaysia last summer. A. visited B. were visiting -delivers -do the C. are visiting D. have visited handouts to exercises. 5. The students used to___ football in Ss. that stadium. A. played B. play C. playing D. are playing 6. Her parents want him___ some good books to read. A. to choose B. choose C. chose D. choosing 7. Would you like___ and visit my country? 1. B. went A. come B. coming C. to come D. came 2. D.have been 8. The children___ their parents for a 3. C. came long time. A. didn’t see B. haven’t seen 4. A. visited C. don’t see D. haven’t see 5. B. play 9. I and Kenny___ penpal friends since 6. A. to choose I___ Singapore. 7. C. to come A. are-visit B. were-visited -gets Ss to do 8. B. haven’t C. have been-visited D. were-have visited the exercises. seen 10. Ba said he___ some good marks last semester. 9. C. have A. gets B. got C. getting D. have got been-visited 11. The word jeans comes from a kind of material 10. B. got that___ in Europe. 11. C. was A. made B. had made made C. was made D. are made 12. C. were 12. Different styles of jeans___ to match the 1960’s fashions. designed A. designed B. are designed 13. C. has C. were designed D. had designed been 1
  3. 13. The ao da i___ for years. modernized A. is modernized C. has been modernized 14. B. will be B. was modernized D. has been modernized built 14. A new hospital___ next year. A. is built B. will be built 15. C. canbe C. has been built D. will build delivered 15. Food___ direct to the market by 16. B. to be trucks. rebuilt A. delivered B. deliver 17. C. should C. can be delivered D. delivers be done 16. The house has___ after the fire. A. to rebuild B. to be rebuilt -gets 18. D. must be C. be to rebuilt D. rebuilt feedback on sent 17. All the homework___ at home. the answers. 19. C. must be A. should do B. should done followed C. should be done D. should be doing 20. C. are 18. The application form___ to the encouraged university before May 31 st . A. must send B. sent 21. C. which C. must be send D. must be sent 22. B. that 19. Traffic rules___ strictly. 23. B. which A. followed B. must followed 24. A. that C. must be followed D. must follow 25. C. which 20. Students___ to participate in the after 26. B. which school activities. A. encourage B. is encouraged 27. A. who C. are encouraged D. encouraged 28. A. who 21. The students are reading some books___ are on disasters. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 22. The children___are playing in the yard are Mr. Brown’s nephews. A. whom B. that C. which D. where 23. They are reading the newspapers ___ -give the right have just been published answers. A. who B. which C. when D. whom 24. Hoa and her dog___ are standing over there go to the park. A. that B. who C. whom D. which 25. My father will fly to Ha Noi,___is the capital city of Viet Nam. A. who B. whom C. which D. where 26. My classmates dislike postcards___show rough sea and cloud sky A. who B. which C. where D. when 27. Neil Armstrong,___was the first man walking on the moon, is an American. 2
  4. A. who B. which C. whom D. that 28. They called their friends,___have lived in the city for a long time A. who B. which C. whose D. that Date: UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF . Period: 2 Section A: Reading Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the daily life of a farmer. Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures Procedure: T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP: Matching A B (jobs) (places of work) - Ask students - Match 1. teacher a. market to match A and 2. doctor b. field B 3. worker c. hospital 4. seller d. factory 5. farmer e. school 1. e 2. c 3. d 4. a 5.b Today we are going to learn a day in the - Lead in the life of farmer. new lesson. II. PRE–READING : 5 * Pre – teach vocabulary : - Situation - Listen and - buffalo (n) : con trâu - Visual repeat - plough (v) : cày - Translation - harrow (v) : bừa - Explanation - take a rest (v) : nghỉ ngơi * Checking : Rub out and remember III. WHILE–READING: 5 * Task 1 / p 13: Multiple choice - Ask students - Work in 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A do the task and groups 10 * Task 2 / p 14: Questions help 1. He’s a peasant/ farmer. 2. He gets up at 4:30 and then he goes down the kitchen to boil some water for his - Gets Ss to - Read and 3
  5. morning tea. read & answer answer the 3. In the morning, he ploughs and harrows on the questions questions. his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes tobacco during his break. - Open pairs 4. In the afternoon, they repair the banks of their plot of land. Mr . Vy pumps water into it and his wife does the transplanting. 5. Yes, they are. Because they love working and they love their children. - Correct 10 * Task 3 /p 14: Chart + In the morning : - 4:30: alarm goes off, Mr. Vy gets up, goes down the kitchen, boils some water for - Work in tea, drinks tea, has quick breakfast, leads groups buffalo to field. - 5.15: leaves house - 5.30: arrives in the field, ploughs and harrows. - 7.45: takes a rest. - 10.30: goes home. - 11.30: has lunch with family. + In the afternoon : - 2.30: Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet get to the filed again, repair the banks of the plot of land. He pumps water and she does the transplanting. - 6.30: finish work. - 7.00: have dinner. + After dinner : - Watch TV, go to bed. - Sometimes visit neighbors and chat with them. 7 IV. POST–READING: Retell the chart (task 3) - Ask students to retell the - Retell chart 2 V. HOMEWORK: Rewrite the daily activities of Mr. Vy - Ask students - Prepare at 4
  6. and Mrs. Tuyet. to prepare at home. home 5
  7. Date: UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF . Period: 3 Section B: Speaking Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask, give information from a timetable and daily activity. Teaching aids: Textbook Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Brainstorming - Ask Ss to work - Group work in groups of 3 to 4 & make a list Subjects of the subjects they learn at school 12 II. PRE-SPEAKING * Pre-teach vocabulary : - civic education (n) : GDCD - information technology (n) : CNTT - class meeting (n) : SH lớp * Set the scene Quan is a tenth-grate student. He goes to school every morning. Now, look at his - Listen weekly timetable on page 15. Ask & answer question with a partner, using the information from the timetable. Ex: A: What time does Quan have a Civic Education lesson on Monday? B: at 7:15 a.m Or : A: What lesson does Quan have at 7:15 a.m on Monday? B: a Civic Education lesson. 18 III. WHILE-SPEAKING Talk about Quan’s activities, using the picture below. ( If Ss find it difficult to - Give task & understand the pictures, T may help by models asking questions such as: What is Quan doing in picture a? Is he getting? - Group work 6
  8. a. He gets up at 14:15 in the afternoon. - Let Ss work in b. He studies the lesson at 14:15. groups and ask c. After learning, he takes a short rest & them to study watches TV at 15:30. the pictures d. He goes to the football station at 17:15. carefully. e. He plays football with friends at 17:15. - Ask Ss to f. He cycles back home at 18:45. describe Quan’s g. He takes a shower/has a bath at 18:45. activities during h. He has dinner with his family at 19:00. the day. i. He studies the lesson at 20:00. - Feedback and give suggested answer. 8 IV. POST-SPEAKING * Interview and Report -Gives direction - Work in pairs Tell your classmates about your partner’s and helps Ss to then daily routine. work individually 2 V. HOMEWORK : Write a passage about 50 words about your - Give - Listen daily routine. homework 7
  9. Date: UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF . Period: 4 Section C: Listening Aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and know about the activities in the morning of a cycle driver. Teaching aid s: Textbook, cassette player, tape Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: * Categorising 1. He gets up very early 6. He works in the - Ask Ss to - Group work streets works & put 2. He works with children 7. He lives in the country the sentences 3. He gets people from one place to another. in t o the 4. He corrects homework 8. He works in school correct column 5. He meets a lot of people 9. He works on the farm - Feedback & He is a farmer He is a teacher He is a cycle driver giv e correct 1 2 3 answers 7 4 5 9 8 6 10 II. PRE- LISTENING : - Tell Ss to - Pair work * Ask and answer: work in pairs and whole Have you ever travelled by cyclo? to ask and class When was it? answer Is it interesting to travel by cyclo? questions * Vocabulary : - district (n): quận, huyện part of a town or - Explain each country word - drop (v): để (ai) xuống xe allow sb to get out of separately & - Listen and a Ss to guess guess - passengers(n): hành khách people who travel on a bus what the word - pedal (v/n) : đạp/bàn đạp (xe đạp) is a lever operated by foot to control a bicycle - purchases (n): vật/hàng hóa mua được things a person buys - food stall (n): quầy thực phẩm 10 near a market where food is sold - Individual * Checking technique: Guessing -Play the tape work and - Ask Ss to whole class III. WHILE-LISTENING: listen - Listen 8
  10. * Task 1 p 16: Pictures Ordering - Have Ss compare their 12 Listen to Mr. Lam’s talk & number the pictures answers with a in their correct order. friend. 1.e 2.f 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.d * Task 2 p 17 : True or False Listen again and decide whether the statements are True or False - Individual 1. F (in district 5) 2. T - Feedback & work a nd 3. F ( He takes his passenger from District 5 to give correct whole class District 1) answers - Listen 4. F (His first passenger in an old man) 5. F (He has lunch at a food stall near BT market) 6. F (He takes a short rest) Tapescript : Hello everyone, my name is Lam. I’m a cyclo driver in HCM City. I usually have a busy working day. I get up at five thirty in the morning. I start work at six. My first passenger is usually an old man. I take him from District 5 to District 1. After I drop him at a café HCM Teachers’ Training College. I pedal to Thai Bi nh Market. My next passenger is a lady who does shopping there every two days. I help her put all her purchases into the cyclo and then take her to her shop in THDao Street. At about ten thirty I ride off toward NTMKhai School. There I park my cyclo, chat with some of my fellows and wait for my third passenge rs. They are two school pupils, a girl and a boy. I take them home. At twelve I have lunch at a food stall near BT Market. After 5 lunch, I park my cyclo under a tree, take a short rest and - Pair work then continue my afternoon’s. - Tell Ss to work in pairs IV. POST-LISTENING: ask & answer What is the man’s name? questions What does he do? What time does he start work? Is his first passenger an old man? Where does he have lunch? 1 What time does he have lunch? - Listen & do Does he take a rest? - Give the at home assignment V. HOMEWORK : 9
  11. Rewrite 7 sentences and answer 10
  12. Date: UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF . Period: 5 Section D: Writing Aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a narrative about a hotel fire. Teaching aid s: Textbook, poster. Procedure : T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Pelmanism - Explain / ask - Guess be tell think take scream was/were told thought took screamed • Introduction : The past simple 2 II. PRE-WRITING - Whole 0 * Vocabulary pre-teach: class - be due to (a) : bởi vì because of - stare death in the face (v): đối mặt với tử thần afraid - take off (v): (plane) cất cánh leave the ground - air-hostess (n): tiếp viên hàng không person who takes care of passengers on a plane - fasten seatbelt (n) : thắt dây an toàn fix the seatbelt around the body to keep safe on the plane - in danger (v): gặp nguy hiểm to be in dangerous situation *Set the scene : The picture of plane crash - Ask Ss to * Task 1 p 17 : Find all the verbs used in the past work in pairs - Pair work simple and the connectors (time expressions) in the story. - Verbs : stared, was, arrived, got, took off, - Call on some began, thought, were old, seemed, realised, Ss to give the were, screamed, felt, announced, was, landed. verbs and - Connectors : when, at first, on that day, connectors in then front of the class * Task 2 : Identify the events, the climax and 11
  13. the conclusion of the story. - Tell Ss to - The events : got on plane, plan took off, work in - Group work hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch groups. when plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic. - The climax : we thought we had only minutes to live. - The conclusion : pilot announced that everything was all right, we landed safely. 1 III. POST-WRITING - Give 0 * Task 3 : Use the prompts below to build instruction -Individual up a narrative about a hotel fire. - Ask Ss to work and - spent / my / at. was / and. had / a / the. write whole class - was / was sitting / in / on the. was. were / individually dancing / singing. smelt. began / to / the. started/ to. ran. was / blocked / began / coughing / choking. - though/ had / to / arrived. found / the / was. was / was / of. IV. POST- WRITING : 7 Retell the story about a hotel fire. - Ask - Do as directed V. HOMEWORK : 3 Rewrite the story - Ask - Do at home 12
  14. Date: UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF . Period: 6 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to be more confident in pronouncing the sounds /I/ and /i:/ and better at using the present and past simple tense and adverbs of frequency. Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 2 I. WARM UP : - Present a sentence - Complete the Ex: I see a ___ on the ___ like this and pictures sentence by with a ship / sheep. looking at the I see a sheep on the ship. - Read aloud pictures. II. PRONUNCIATION: 5 * Presentation 1 : - Help Ss to Demonstrate the sounds /I/ and /i:/ by distinguish these two pronouncing them clearly and slowly. sounds - /i:/ open your mouth very little to - Instruct the way to make the sound /i:/ pronounce /i:/ is a long sound 5 - /I/ First practice the sound /i:/. Then - Sticks the poster open your mouth a little more on the board. /I/ is a short sound - Reads models in 2 - Listen /I/ and /i:/ columns hit heat - Reads each pair of bit beat words (hit – heat) meet meat - Reads first and - Listen repeat it eat asks Ss to repeat in chorus lick leek - Divide class into 2 groups to practise in turn b/w 2 vowels - Ask sts to practise in pairs - Practise in pairs -Reads the 5 * Practcice 1 p.19 sentences - Listen to P Pay attention to linking sounds, distinguish 2 Vs 13
  15. ending sounds, Intonation in senten ces -Reads each sentence & asks Ss - Listen & repeat to repeat - Ask sts to practise - Practise in pairs in pairs - Call good Ss to - Read / listen read & ask the and remark others to remark - Listen - Correct mistakes If necessary III. GRAMMAR & VOC : - Give the forms 2 * Presentation 2: - Ask Ss to use the of the verbs Review the present simple tense present simple form - Ex: am /is /are of the verb: Be -fish: fish/ fishes 5 * Practice 2 p 19-20 : fish 1. is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are 8. go 9. give up individ - Individual 10. says 11. realize 12. am ually work and pair - Ask Ss to do work In 5 Presentation 3 * : pairs . 5 * Practice 3 : Revision of advs of -> adv of frequency - Ask Ss about the frequency -> U Use : show how often s.thing words meaning happens: Always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, never Position : We put advs of f : - in front of normal verb: Ex: We never go to bed late . - between an auxiliary verb & the main verb: Ex: He doesn’t usually read newspapers after dinner . - after the verb to be Ex: I’m always free on Sundays . Note: We put as a rule a t the beginning - Individual of the sentence work 14
  16. - He usually get up early - She is never late for school -Ask Ss to do - Lan sometimes practises speaking E exercise 2 T - Thao is always a hard-working students 5 * Presentation 4 : Revision of the past simple tense to - Whole class describe: a completed action or situation in the past Ex: We went to the cinema yesterday 5 * Practice 4 : - Ask Ss to work in 1. was done 2. cooked 3. were 4 . smelt pairs & in the 5. told 6. sang brackets 7. began 8. felt - Give correct - Pair work 9. put out 10. crept answers 11. slept 12. woke 13. was 14. leapt 15. wound 18. flew 1 IV. HOMEWORK: Do the LF in exercise book 15
  17. Date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Period: 7 Section A: Reading Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know about topics often talk. Teaching aid: Textbook Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : Chatting When you meet your friends, which of - Ask Ss to work - Pair work the following topics do you often talk about? in pairs & . sports and games . holiday discuss this . entertainment . films question . health problems . weather . hobbies . work and study II. PRE-READING : 8 * Vocabulary pre teach : Matching A B - Ask Ss to work - Group work 1. Biology a. Poem, novel, Nguyen Du in groups and 2. Maths b. Newton. Olm match the 3. Physics c. Chemicals,H2O subject in A with 4. Chemistry d. Number, minus, Pascal the information 5. History e. Geology, climate in B 6. Geography f. Animals, plants, DNA 7. Vietnamese g. Revolution, The First World Literature War 1.f 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.g 6.e 7.a * Gerund and to-infinitive introduction Like / Enjoy / Love + V-ing - Listen Want / Hope / Decide + to-infinitive III. WHILE-READING : 7 * Set the scene : You are going to read three - Ask Ss to work talks given by a student, a teacher and a independently student’s father about school. You read them and fill each - Individual and do the tasks assigned. blank with one work * Task 1 : Gap-filling of the words in 1. enjoy 2. traffic 3. worry the box. There 4. crowed 5. language are more words than the blanks. 16
  18. - Have Ss - Compare compare the answers with a friend. 7 * Task 2 : Finding Who - Ask Ss to work - Pair work Phong, Phong, Miss Phương, Phong, in pairs. Read Phong, Phong, Miss Phương, Mr . Hong Ha. the small talks again & find out who 9 * Task 3 : Answering Questions - Ask Ss to keep - Pair work 1. He studies at Chu Van An High School. on working in 2. He studies many subjects such as Math, pairs. Read the Physics , Chemistry talks more 3. Because it is an international language. carefully & 4. She says that teaching is hard work, but answer the she enjoys it because she loves working with questions. chil dren.(She likes her teaching profession ) 5. Because his son has to ride his bike in narrow and c rowed streets to get to school. (There’ s so much traffic, so many cars, motorbikes & bicycles) IV. POST-READING: 1 Three topics in the textbook 0 I like learning English best because it is - Tell Ss to work - Group work very inter esting to learn. In class, we can in groups exchange ideas and discuss various topics in English. At home, I can watch TV programs such as films, game shows V. HOMEWORK: Rewrite topic 1 - Give - Listen and assignment do at home 17
  19. Date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Period: 8 Section B: Speaking Aim: By the end of the lesson, students can make some small talks. Teaching aids: Textbook, picture Procedure: T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP: Brainstorming - Explain the -Listen, master rule the rule Greetings Saying goodbye - Join in the game 8 II. PRE-SPEAKING: We are going to learn some more expressions for starting and ending a -Introduction conversation * Task 1/p24 + Find 5 phrases or sentences for -Ask students - Students work starting a conversation to put each individually - Good morning/ Hi expression first, & then - How’s everything at school? under the work in pairs to - Hello. How are you? appropriate compare their - Hi. How is school heading answers - Hello. What are you doing? + Find 5 phrases or sentences for closing - Correct a conversation students’ - Sorry. I’ve got to go. Talk to you later responses - Well, it’s been nice meeting you - Ask students - Goodbye. See you later to read aloud - Great. I’ll see you tomorrow those - Catch up with you later expressions 15 III. WHILE-SPEAKING: * Task 2/ p 25 - Ask Ss to Rearrange sentences to make a rearrange the - Work conversation sentences to individually first D - F - B - E – C – G - A make a and then in conversation repairs 19
  20. - Check’s Ss’ answers & the correct ones Practice with a partner - Lets Ss to practise the conversation in pairs * Task 3 p 25 - Ask Ss to - Complete the conversation with suitable complete the - Work words conversation individually - Practice with a partner - Corrects Ss’ first, & then in responses pairs -Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs. - Go around and help Ss working 15 IV. POST-SPEAKING: *Task 4/ 25: Make small talks on the - Ask Ss to following topics, using the starting and work in pairs ending of a conversation to make small + Plans for the next weekend talks on the A: Hello , Nga suggested B: Hi, Lan topic, using A: Nga, are you free this Saturday evening? the starting Would you like to go to the cinema? and ending of Some good B: That’s very kind of you. But I have a a conversation pairs to plan to go out with Tam - Elicit plans performs in the A: Oh for next class B: Goodbye, Lan weekend A: See you later, Nga - Give feedback 2 V) HOMEWORK: Write about the conversation done in - Give pairs. assignment - Listen and do 20
  21. at home Date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Period: 9 Section C: Listening Aim: By the end of the lesson, students are going to listen to some small talks about duty, party and trip. Teaching aids: Textbook, tape, poster Procedure: T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Matching/ p 26 - Match - Work in pair 1.C 2.E 3.A 4.B 5.D column A with B We are going to listen to some small - Lead-in - Listen talks about study, party and trip 5 II. PRE-LISTENING: Look at the pictures on p 26, ask and - Go around - Work in pairs, answer the questions for each picture: and give help ask and answer - Who are talking? when the questions - Where are they? necessary - What are they talking about? - What do you think they are talking about? (Ex : Two young people/ students/ friends/ are at a party. Maybe/ Perhaps they are talking about food and drinks) III. WHILE-LISTENING: 5 * Task 1 : Listen to the conversations and - Play the tape - Listen to the match them with the pictures tape 1 or 2 times 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.a - Corrects Ss’ - Work answers individually first, 10 * Task 2 : Listen again and answer the - Ask Ss who & then in pairs to questions p 26: the people are complete the task 1. She is taking English in the pictures -answer 2. She is in Miss Lan Phuong’s class on p 26 3. He is at a party - Ask Ss to 4. He plans to stays there for a week work in pairs - Listen and check 5. No, he doesn’t. She travels alone to ask and their answers 21
  22. answer the questions 10 * Task 3 p 27: Listen to the last - Correct - Work in pairs conversation again and write in the missing and try to fill in words. - Write Ss’ the blanks 1. it here 2. very nice 3. big guesses on the - Listen and check 4. comfortable 5. travelling 6. No board 7. alone 8. for a drink - Correct 7 IV. POST-LISTENING : Talk about the problem you have -Work in group of experienced at school. - Go around 4 Poster : Guiding questions and give help 1. What problem have you experienced at when - Some Ss talk school? necessary about their 2. What is/ are the reasons? - Give problems again 3. What have you done to solve it/ them? feedback 1 V. HOMEWORK: Rewrite a paragraph about the problem you - Listen and do at have experienced at school - Give home homework 22
  23. Date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Period: 10 Section D: Writing Aim: By the end of the lesson, students can know on what occasions they have to fill in a form and how to fill in it. Teaching aids: Textbook, some forms Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : * Task 1: Question & Answer - Ask Ss to work - Pair work 1. Have you ever filled in a form? in pairs & 2. When do you fill in a form? answer the - Apply for a job. following - Opening accounts. questions - Sending or receiving money at the post offices or banks. - Attending to a club. 3. What kind of information do you often have to provide when filling in a form? - First, surname, address, age, occupation, marital status 15 II. PRE-WRITING : *Pre-teach vocabulary : - Pair work - Country of origin : Quê quán and Whole - Present address : Địa chỉ chỗ ở hiện tại class - Marital status : Tình trạng hôn nhân - Occupation : Nghề nghiệp - Block capitals : Chữ viết hoa - Ask Ss to do - Delete : Xóa task 2. Match a - Individual - Applicable : Thích hợp line in A with a work * Checking technique question in B * Task 2: Matching - Have Ss 1.d 2.f 3.e 4.g 5.b 6.c 7.a compare their III. WHILE-WRITING : answers with a + Set the scene: As you know, forms ask partner. you to do certain things. And it is important to understand what they require you to do. Now loo k at Task 3 & try to do what you are required to do. 23
  24. 7 * Task 3: Doing What Forms ask - Have Ss do the - Individual & task Pair work 10 *Task 4 : Filling in the form individually. - Ask Ss to study the form carefully & fill in the form using their own information. 6 IV. PRODUCTION : * Correction -Suggested answers 2 V. HOMEWORK : -Do Do the writing part, Unit 2, Workbook homework - Give task 24
  25. Date: UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Period: 11 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the vowels /^/ and /a:/ correctly. - Distinguish the use of gerund and to – infinitive. Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : - Ask Ss to explain - Explain Ex: An is an intelligent son . the sound of the - Read the Ex His father is a taxi driver. examples loudly Today we will practise pronunciation the two sounds /^/ and /a:/ - Introduce the II. PRONUNCIATION : lesson 5 * Presentation 1: /^/: first practice the sound these two - Demonstrate the - Whole class sounds / / then put your tongue back a sounds /^/ & /a:/ by little. pronouncing them /^/ is very short sound. clearly and slowly. /a:/ first pronounce the sound /a:/ the - Help Ss to put your tongue down and back. distinguish these two /a:/ is a long sound. sounds. 5 * Practice 1 : - Play the tape & - Pair work ask them to repeat the sounds clearly to in front of the class. - Ask Ss to work in pairs & practice the sentences. 7 III. GRAMMAR & VOC : -Introduce peer * Presentation & Practice 2 : correction 1. When did you come? 2. How long did you stay? - Keep Ss in pair & - Pair work 3. Who did you come with? ask them to make 4. Where do you live? questions for the 5. Why do you like learning E? responses. 6. What time is it now? 7. How many children do they have? 25
  26. 10 * Presentation 3 : - Call on some pairs 7 * Practice 3 : to read the questions 1. to hear 2. going and responses aloud - Whole class 3. remembering 4. doing in front of the class. - Individual 5. worrying 6. to pay - Ask Ss to read the 7. to go 8. visiting letter carefully and 9. seeing 10. hearing fill in each blank with an –ing and to- infinitive form of the verb in brackets - Tell Ss to compare their answers with a friend - Call on some Ss to read the completed letter 6 * Practice 4 : 1. to go 2. waiting - Ask Ss to work in - Pair work 3. having 4. to find pairs and complete 5. worrying 6. making the sentences using 7. to call 8. to lend an – ing or to – 9. talking 10. to post infinitive from of the verbs in the box. IV. HOMEWORK : Prepare for Unit 3 - Give task -Do homework 26
  27. Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period: 12 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - read better through Matching and True or False exercises. - improve background knowledge about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie. Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Brainstorming - Have Ss work in -Group work groups of 3 to 4. Famous scientists - After 3 minutes, the group with the 1 II. PRE-READING : longest list will be 2 Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? the winner. What do you know about her? *Set the scene: M C is the world famous - Ask Ss to work - Pair work scientist. She made great contributions to in pairs & answer and Whole the world’s science. Today, we will learn the following class about her life & her research. Firstly, let’s question. have a quick look at some new words & phrases that you will come across in the passage . * Pre-teach Vocabulary : - general education (n): GDPT comprehensive study of all subjects & skill - brilliant (a): thông minh, sáng dạ clever,quick at learning - mature (a): trưởng thành fully-grown/developed in character & power - harbour the dream of: nuôi mơ ước trở thành foster/keep in mind the dream of doing st - flying colours: TNĐH loại ưu leave university with excellent grade - PhD: Doctor of Phylosophy Tiến sĩ - tragic death: cái chết đau khổ die painfully - to be awarded: được trao cái gì to be presented with 27
  28. - atomic weight of radium: trọng lượng n. - Translation tử - Translation - humanitarian wish: mong muốn nhân đạo II. WHILE-READING : 7 * Task 1: Matching 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.d 5.b 7 * Task 2: True or False - Ask Ss to read Why is it false? the passage Can you give me the information in the individually & passage? match the words 1. T or phrases in A 2. F ( Her dream was to become a with their scientist). meanings in Ba 3. T Sao 4. F(She married Pierre Curie in 1895) 7 5. T -Have Ss read the * Task 3: Answering Questions passage more 1. On November 7, 1867. carefully & 2. She was a brilliant & mature student. decide whether 3. She worked as a private tutor to save the statements are money for a study tour abroad. T or F. Correction 4. She was awarded a Nobel Prize in the false Chemistry for determining the atomic information. weight of radium. 5. No, it wasn’t. Her real joy was ”easing 6 human suffering” - Ask Ss to work -Group work III. POST-READING : in groups & strong-willed (She haboured the dream of highlight or scientific career, which was impossible for underline the a woman at that time) evidence that ambitious (In spate of her difficult situation, they find in the she worked extremely hard & earned a passage degree in Physics with flying colours) hard-working (She works extremely hard) intelligent (As a brilliant student ) humane (She had a humanitarian wish that 2 ease human suffering) V. HOMEWORK : 28
  29. Write the background of a scientist you know best. Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period: 13 Section B: Speaking Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their own background and know how to ask for other people’s background. Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 1 I. WARM UP : Word Square 0 H B R I L L I A N T -Ask Ss to work in -Group work U A H N B W L M N V groups. M M A T U R E B S R A C R E C D K I E C N H D L Y W A T D U E E D L R A D I U M E M S I G B T O W P O I Z G V W C U O F R S M E U S R S T R S T T N O B E L V A W B A T O M I C B C brilliant, mature, radium, Nobel, atomic humane, hard, chemist, intelligent, ambitious II. PRE-SPEAKING : -Ask Ss to work in -Pair work *Task 1: . Family pairs and decide . Education 8 which items can . Experience tell sb’s .Family background. How many people are there in your family? What does your father do? .Education Where did you study at high school? What subjects do you like best? .Experience 29
  30. How long have you worked as a teacher? III. WHILE-SPEAKING -Ask Ss to discuss -Group work 1 *Set the scene: Imagine you are a journalist the questions that 5 .Use the cues below to interview a classmate can be used to get about his/her background or that of a person information for he/she knows well. Change the role when you each item. have finished. * Task 2 : - Good morning - When were you born? - Where were you born? - Where do you live? - What do you parents do? - How many brothers/ sisters do you have? - What’s the name of your primary (secondary) school? - Have you ever been a leader of - What subjects do you like best? - Thank you very much. IV. POST-SPEAKING -Ask Ss to work in -Group work * Task 3 : groups & talk 1 about the person 0 they have known through interview V. HOMEWORK : 2 30
  31. Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period: 14 Section C: Listening Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand a dialogue through deciding on True or False statements and gap filling. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player, tape Procedure : T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : + Shows picture, asks questions - Give - Answer - Who is he? She’s Thuy Hien questions -What is she good at? She is good at Wushu - Did she get any Olympic Champion? Yes, it’s Bronze Medal 10 II. PRE-LISTENING : - Introduce - Listen and * Pre-teach vocabulary : 5’ some new repeat - Olympic Champion words - sports teacher (n) : Gv thể dục - love story - romantic (adj) : lãng mạn - diploma (n) : chứng chỉ, văn bằng - Get Ss to - Listen, then * Task 1 : Multiple Choice 5’ listen twice compare the 1. Sally is ___ years old. then compare answer with a a. 24 b. 25 c. 26 d.27 the answer partner 2. She joined the Start Sports Club when she with a partner was___. - Get Ss listen a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16 once more to 3. Where does she live? check. Pause a. Manchester b. Paris the tape if c. London d. New York necessary 4. How many people are there in her family? a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d.7 - Get Ss listen 20 5. What does she want to be in the future? once more to a. a doctor b. a teacher check. Pause - Listen c. a sports teacher d. a manager the tape if - True or False III. WHILE-LISTENING : necessary statements 32
  32. * Task 2 : Listen to the conversation between Sally and Bob. Decide whether the statements are T or F 1.T 2.T 3.F (I don’t have much free time) - Get Ss listen 4. T 5.F (I want to be a sports teacher) once more to check. Pause * Task 3 : Listen to the conversation again, the tape if and fill in the blanks p 37 necessary 1. general education 2. lives ; family 10 3. different swimming 4. love stories 5. teacher’s diploma - Set the scene - Work in pairs - Correction 2 IV. POST-LISTENING : Ask and answer about Sally V. HOMEWORK : Write a short report about Sally 33
  33. Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period: 15 Section D: Writing Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write about people’s background. Teaching aids: Textbook, poster Procedure : T Stages and Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP: * Matching A with B ( handouts ) - Give - (Books- A B instructions closed) 1. Name a. Boston - Give 2. Date of birth b. Kensington High school handouts - Pairwork 3. Place of birth c. English, French, Math. 4. Schools attended d. Tourist guide 5. Exams passed e. David brown 6. Previous jobs f. 12/ 11 / 1969 7. Interests g. Music and dancing - Correction - Give feedback 1. e 2. f c. a 4. b 5. c 6. d 7. g 15 II. PRE- WRITING : - Presenting * Vocabulary : vocabulary & - curriculum vitae someone’s background * Task 1 : Read Mr. Brown’s CV.( curriculum vitae-a form with details about his past somebody’s past education and job) then use the cues below to write a paragraph about him. David Brown / be / born / 12.11.69 / Boston. - Individually He / go to / school / pass exams in. He / work/ - Let Ss read tourist guide / a travel agency from / to. From/ Mr. Brown’s to / he / work? hotel telephonist. He / like/. CV - Mr. Brown was born on November 12, 1969 in Boston. He went to Kensington High School and passed exams in English, French and Mathematics. He worked in a travel agency from June 1991 to December 1998. And from 1999 to 2002, he worked as a hotel telephonist. He likes music and dancing. - Groupwork 35
  34. 8 III. WHILE-WRITING : - Ask Ss to * Task 2 p 38 : Ask your partner for the write a information about her/ his parent & complete paragraph the form. about Mr. Brown - Go around - Give feedback and help Ss . - Correction - Pairwork 15 IV. POST – WRITING : - Ask and * Task 3 p 38 - Ask Ss to answer Write a paragraph about your partner’s write a parents. paragraph based on the - Groupwork completed - Give feedback form about their parent - Copy and do at - Correction home 2 V. HOMEWORK : Write a paragraph about your parent - Give task 36
  35. Date: UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND Period: 16 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the sounds /e/ and / / correctly - use the past perfect tense appropriately and distinguish it with the past simple tense Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Table completion Verb Past form Past infinitive participle -Ask Ss to work in -Group work take groups and give each met group a table containing Left 10 verbs. broke -Tell Ss to complete the come table following the Gone instruction got -The group which Been completes the table first do & has more correct saw verbs will be the winner -Demonstrate the sound -Whole class II. PRONUNCIATION : 5 /e/ and / ỉ / by * Presentation 1 : pronouncing them /e/: first pronounce the sound I then clearly and slowly open your mouth a little more. -Instruct the way to /e/ is a short sound. pronounce / ỉ /: first pronounce the sound /e/ then -Ask Ss to pronounce open your mouth a little more. and repeat the sounds several times 5 -Play the tape & ask * Practice 1 : them to repeat -Call on some Ss to repeat -Ask Ss to work in pairs -Pair work & practice the sentences 37
  36. -Ask Ss to do exercise 5 III. GRAMMAR & VOC : 1: Use the verbs in * Presentation 2 : brackets in the past -Whole class Review the past perfect tense perfect Form -Note that the action in 8 Use the past perfect is * Practice 2 : always before another 1. had broken past action 2. had done -Have Ss compare their 3. had met answers with a friend. 4. had not (hadn’t) turned off Make sure all the verbs 5. had ever seen have been put in the 6. had been correct form 7. had left 8. had moved -Identify the past simple 9. had not (hadn’t) seen tense and the past 10. had broken in perfect tense 5 * Presentation 3 : -Ask Ss to do exercise 7 2: Put the verbs in -Whole class * Practice 3: brackets in the past 1. had just finished , came simple or the past 2. had seldom travelled , went perfect. 3. went , had already taken 4. Did manage , had gone , got 5. had just got , phoned , had been 5 -Tell Ss to read the * Practice 4 : story carefully and ask What is the story about? them some questions Who are in the story? about the story to make sure Ss have general Sentence Mistake Correction understanding 1 had climbed climbed -Have Ss work in pairs -Pair work 2 had turned turned & five mistakes in the 3 had called called use of tenses in the story 4 had heard heard -Ask Ss to join another 5 went had already pair to make a group and compare and discuss the gone answers. 38
  37. Date: TEST YOURSELF A Period: 17 I. LISTENING 1. 15 th January 1929 2. In 1951 3. for 4 years 4. he met 5. they got married 6. a minister at a 7. the black freedom movement 8. heard his speech at the 9. In 1968 10. 4 th April 1968 Tapescript : Martin Luther King was born on 15 th January 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1951, he went to Boston University, where he studied for four years. In 1952, he met Coretta Scott, and as soon as he saw her, he fell in love. They got married in 1953, and they had four children. In 1954, the Kings left Boston, and Martin became a minister at a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. Then he stared working for the black freedom movement. Thousands of people walked people walked to Washington to hear his famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He died on 4 th April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, from a gunshot wound. II. READING : 1. F 2.C 3. A 4. D 5. B III. GRAMMAR : 1. to apply 2. am 3. attended 4. passed 5. got 6. can 7. reading 8 know 9. am able 10. hearing IV. Homework: WRITING page 43 40
  38. Date: TEST 45’ Period: 18 I. Listening (2 points) . Listen and choose the correct answer. 1. Phong is ___ years old. a. 14 b. 15. c. 16 d. 17 2. There are ___ students in his class. a. 40 b. 42 c. 45 d. 50 3. He likes to learn ___ best. a. Maths b. Chemistry c. Literature d. English 4. He doesn’t like ___. a. learning Geography b. getting up early c. having a lesson d. studying many subjects. II. Reading (2,5 points). Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. Finally in 1891, Marie Curie, with very little money to live on, went to Paris to realise her dream at the Sorbonne. In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked extremely hard. She earned a degree in physics with flying colours, and went to take another degree in Mathematics. She met Pierre curie in the School of Physics in 1894 and a year later they got married. From then on, they worked together on their research. In 1903, Marie became the first woman to receive a PhD from the Sorbonne. A. Write True (T) or False (F) to these statements: (1,5 points) ___ 1. Marie Curie studied Physics very well. ___ 2. She and Pierre Curie got married in 1894. ___ 3. She received a PhD in 1903. B. Answer the questions: (1 point) 1. When did Marie Curie go to Paris? 2. Did she have an easy life at the Sorbonne? III. Grammar (3 points). A. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (2 points) 1. He finally decided___ out in the rain. a. go b. to go c. going d. went 2. They just ___ dinner when I came. a. finish b. finished c. finishing d. had finished 3. Could you please stop ___ so much noise? a. make b. to make c. making d. made 4. We usually ___ to school in the afternoon. 41
  39. a. go b. to go c. going d. went B. Make questions from the underlined words : (1 point) 1. Nam was born in 1890 . 2. He is living in Bac Ninh . IV. Writing: (2,5 points). Write a narrative, using the given prompts. 1. September 5, 2006/ be first day/ high school. 2. My father/ take me/ school/ motorbike. 3. Suddenly/ a young man/ bump/ my father’s motorbike. 4. We/ fall street/ and my father/ shout/ that man. 5. In the class/ I/ find the young man/ my father shout/ be my English teacher. THE END Date: CORRECTION OF TEST 45’ Period: 19 I. Listening (2 points) . Multiple choice. Tape script Unit 2 A. Reading  page 22. 1. c. 16 2. c. 45 3. d. English 4. b. getting up early II. Reading (2,5 points). Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. A. Write true (T) or False (F) to these statements: (1,5 points) 1. T 2. F 3. T B. Answer the questions: (1 point) 1. Marie Curie went to Paris in 1891. 2. No, she didn’t. III. Grammar (3 points) A. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence: (1,5 points) 1. b. to go 2. d. had finished 3. a. go B. Make questions from the underlined words : (1 point) 1. When was Nam born? 2. Where is he living? IV. Writing: (2,5 points). Write a narrative, using the given prompts. 1. September 5, 2006 was my first day in high school. 2. My father took me to school on a motorbike/ by motorbike. 3. Suddenly, a young man bumped into my father’s motorbike. 4. We fell on the street and my father shouted at that man. 42
  40. 5. In the class, I found the young man my father shouted at was my English teacher. 43
  41. Date: UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Period: 20 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the term special education and talk about it through Matching and Multiple Choice exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Question -Ask -Guess 1. Can you guess who am I? questions 2. How do you feel if you can’t see and heard anything? 1 II. PRE-READING: 2 * Pre-teach Vocabulary: - disabled (a): tàn tật be untable of doing smt -Whole class - dumb (a): câm not being able to speak - proper schooling (n): học hành đầy đủ enough and good study - opposition (n):ý kiến phản đối opposing ideas - make effort (v): nỗ lực, cố gắng try - to be proud of (a): tự hào take pride on * Checking technique : ROR *T/F statement prediction: __1. Ms Thuy enjoys her teaching job. __2. Disabled children can’t learn how to read Ask Ss to and write. read the passage Individual II. WHILE-READING: individually work * Task 1: Matching and do 8 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d Ask Ss to I-Individual *Task 2: Multiple Choice give work 8 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D explanation for their - - Pair work III. POST-READING : choice 1 1 .disabled 3.write 4.efforts Ask Ss to 0 5.opposition 6.time-consuming 7.maths work in pairs 8.arms 9.fingers 10.proud and read the IV HOMEWORK : summary of Part 1 page 23 (Workbook) the passage 44
  42. 2 carefully Date: UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Period: 21 Section B: Speaking Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about school life a student; actively engage in an interview. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages and content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : subjects tests and exams - Back to the - Groupwork timetable homework board SCHOOL * Set the scene : You are going to talk about your studies at your secondary school. 10 II. PRE-SPEAKING: * Pre-teach vocabulary : - Follow the - Listen and - lower secondary : trường cấp 2 step for repeat - class (n) : giờ học presenting - oral test (n) : kiểm tra miệng vocabulary -semester (n) : học kỳ - honest (a) : thật thà, thành thật - Copy down - break (n) : giờ ra chơi (trường) You will read a dialogue about school life 15 III. WHILE-SPEAKING : - Match * Task 1 p 47 : (10’) questions - Work in A - 4 B - 1 C - 2 D - 6 with correct pairs and E - 3 F - 5 G – 7 answers compare - Check - Correction * Task 2 p 48 : (5’) - Divide pairs - T writes question and answer on bb + Ss - Work in practise speaking - Check and pairs Chart: Name? School? How many subjects? feedback Morning or Afternoon? Do after school? - T & a S - Ss interview practise as a & answer for model their personal 45
  43. information 15 IV. POST-SPEAKING : - T listen & * Task 3 p 48 : (10’) help Tell the class what you have known about your partner. - Divide class - Talk & listen - T acts as a model: into pair An is now in the tenth grade at Thong Linh - Give High school. An has 10 subjects to learn there. models He goes to school in the afternoon and often has 5 classes. On Thursday afternoon he has - Call some only 3 classes at school. He can go home early good Ss to or go around the town with so me friends. talk before - A bad pupil + Reporting result: (5’) class. talks before - A bad pupil talks before class. (it possible) - Remark class. (it possible 2’ V. HOMEWORK : Re-practise speaking at home. 46
  44. Date: UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Period: 22 Section C: Listening Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen better through True or False and Gap-filling exercises. Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stage & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 9IIIII. WARM UP: Kim’s game - photograph (n): bức ảnh -Explain the -Whole class a picture or image taken by photographers meaning of the - photographer (n): nghệ sĩ nhiếp ảnh, người words in the chụp ảnh a person who takes pictures box - photography (n): môn nhiếp ảnh, nghệ thuật nhiếp ảnh the study of forming & fixing images by the chemical action of light & other element - photogenic (a): ăn ảnh having interesting features that are suitable for photographing - photographic (a): thuộc về nhiếp ảnh belong to photography 10 II. PRE-LISTENING Work in pairs to fill each of the bla nks -Ask Ss to -Work in pair with one word from the box (p 48) work in pairs 1. photographic 2. photography & fill each of 3. photographer 4. photograph the blanks wit h 5. photogenic one word from 8 * Pre-teach vocabulary : the box - surroundings (n): môi trường xung quanh conditions, objects that make the living enviroment - sorrow (n): nỗi buồn pain or distress caused by loss or disability - passion (n): niềm đam mê great love for something - labourer (n): người lao động a person who works manually - deaf (n) : điếc entirely untable to hear - mute (n) : câm untable to speak - exhibition ( n) : triển lãm a display, a public showing * checking: 47
  45. 10 II. WHILE-LISTENING: -Ask Ss to Individual *Set the scene : You are going to listen to a listen to the work talk about a club for disabled children. You tape & decide listen to it and do the tasks followed. whether the * Task 1 : True or False statements are 1. T 2. F (information not given) true or false 3. T 4. F (the subjects of their photos about people and scenery) 5.T * Task 2 : Gap-filling -Ask Ss to 1. photography 2. 19 3. read a part of exhibition the talk 4. 50 5. beauty 6. simple carefully and 7. peaceful 8. chickens 9. stimulated have a guess 10. escape of the missing 7 work - Group work III POST-LISTENING: -Tell Ss to * Question & Answer work in groups 1. Who are the members of the club? : Ask & 2. Where do they come from? answer about 3. How many photographs are on display? the VTK Club 4. What are their photos about? 5 5. W hat does their passion of taking photographs help them? 1 IV. HOMEWORK: Write a short paragraph about the Vang Trang Khuyet Photography Club. 48
  46. Date: UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Period: 23 Section D: Writing Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - read and understand a simple letter of complaint - write a letter of complaint about the poor quality of the service at an English Centre Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 8 I. WARM UP : Categorising bad, helpful, expensive, lazy, hard-working, -Ask Ss to -Group work good, careful, poor, unhappy, beautiful work in groups Compliments Complaints -Give 10 or helpful bad more adjectives hard-working expensive and ask Ss to good lazy put them under careful poor 2 headings : beautiful unhappy compliments Complaint is a kind of format letter used when and complaints you are not happy with a service, a contract, a course, -Give definition A letter of complaint usually includes 3 main & format letter parts: Opening - Explaining the problem of complaint Suggesting a resolution 1 II. PRE-WRITING: 5 - native teachers (n) : GV người bản xứ teachers who come from E-speaking countries - air-conditioned (a) : được trang bị điều hòa to be equipped with air-conditioner - advertisement (n) : mục quảng cáo - refund (v) : bồi bàn - require (v) : yêu cầu - enclose (v) : gởi kèm theo * Set the scene : After studying for two weeks at E for Today Centre, you notice that everything is worse than what the advertisement says. A friend of yours wants to know about the centre & you tell him/her the facts. Now you work in pairs and complete the dialogue with your own ideas. 49
  47. * Task 1 : Fill in the blank - Give the -Do 1. I am not happy with it at all posters on the exercises 6. in fact classes often start late and finish early board 3. that is not true. My class has over 30 students -Correct the -Write down 4. I had to pay for them exercises 2. not all of them are native teachers 5. only some of them. Mine is not * Task 2: Discuss (question) -Write the -Answers 1. Do you want to write a letter of complaint? questions on the 2. What do you have to write in that letter? board - Yes, I do -Explain -Listen - Information to complain, a form of a letter, correct grammar III. WHILE-WRITING: 1 First of all, you say that there are only native -Have Ss read - Individual 5 teachers, but my class has 1 Vietnamese teacher the letter of work & 2 native teachers. You also say that each class complaint in the has no more than 20 students but there are over book and 30 students in my class. In the advertisement, complete it you say we can have books and cassette tapes basing on the free of charge but in fact we had to pay for them. dialogue in Task To make the matter worse, the classroom is not 1 air-conditioned. That is quite different from the -Ask Ss to use advertisement says. Finally, what I do not like exchange their most about your centre is the time. The class is writing with a not the same as what the advertisement says. friend Classes not only start late but also finish early. IV. POST-WRITING : Correct the mistakes of the letter -Correct orally -Listen to the 5 teacher V. HOMEWORK: Rewrite your letter of complaint completely -Ask SS to - Write at 2 write at home home 50
  48. Date: UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Period: 24 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - distinguish and pronounce the sounds / / and / / correctly. - use the + adjective as a noun, combine two sentences with which and review used to + infinitive Teaching aids : Textbook, whiteboard markers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Find someone who -Prepare a two-column -Group work table with Yes/No Did you use to Name questions & Name cry at night? -Let Ss go around the go to bed late? class and ask other Ss be afraid of ghost? what they used to do eat a lot of ice cream? when they were small. If the answer is YES, write his/her name in 5 II. PRONUNCIATION: the table. * Presentation 1 : -The winner is the first -Whole class / / first pronounce the sound / / then one who completes the put your tongue slightly back and bring Name column your lips slightly forward / / is a short sound -Demonstrate the / / first practice the sound then put the sounds / / and / / by back of your tongue up a little pronouncing them / / is a long sound clearly and slowly -Instruct the way to -Pair work pronounce the two 5 *Practice 1 : sounds -Make sure that Ss are aware of the difference between the two sounds -Ask Ss to repeat several times -Whole class - Play the tape & ask them to repeat the -Individual sounds clearly to in work front of the class. 51
  49. 5 III. GRAMMAR & VOC: - Ask Ss to work in pairs *Presentation 2 : The + adjective and prac tice the sentences. 5 *Practice 2 : ( Exercise 1/52) -Introduce peer -Whole class 2. the injured correction 3. the unemployed -Explain the use of The 4. the sick + adj 5. the rich ; the poor -Ask Ss to work -Individual & individually & complete Pair work the sentences using the + one of the adjectives in the book -Have Ss compare their answers with a friend 5 *Presentation 3 : used to + infinitive -Revision of used to + 3 *Practice 3 :(Exercise 2/53) infinitive 2. used to have / used to ride -Ask Ss to do exercise -Pair work 3. used to live 2. Complete the 4. used to like / used to love / used to sentences with used eat to + a suitable verb 5. used to be -Tell Ss to compare 6. used to take their answers with a 7. used to be friend 8. did you use(d) to go 3 7 * Presentation 4: Which * Practice 4:(Exercise 3) 2. J ill isn’t on the phone, which makes it difficult to contact her. 3. Neil has passed his examinations, -Ask Ss to work in pairs which is good news. and do exercise 3: Join 4. Our light was delayed, which meant a sentence from A one we had to wait for hours at the airport. from B to make a new 5. Ann offers to put me up for the night, sentence using Which which was ve ry nice of her. 6. The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it difficult to sleep. 7. Our car has broken down, which means we can’t go away tomorrow. 52
  50. Date: UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Period: 25 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - use a number of words about computers such as CPU, VDU, CD ROMS, floppy and talk their in our modern life. - improve reading skill through Matching and Answering questions exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook, makers Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 8 I. WARM UP : Matching -Ask Ss to work -Pair work 1. D visual display unit (VDU) or computer in pairs: Look at screen (màn hình máy tính) the illustrations of 2. E mouse (chuột) different parts of 3. G printer (máy in) a computer 4. C keyboard (bàn phím) system & match 5. A central processing unit (CPU)(bộ vi xử each number with lý) one of the words 6. F floppy disks (đĩa mềm) or phrases in the 7. B CD ROMS short for Compact Disk-Read box On ly Memory (đĩa CD ROMs chỉ dùng để đọc) 8. H speaker (loa) 1 II. PRE-READING : 0 * Pre-teach vocabulary : - miraculous (a) :tuyệt vời wonderful - calculating machine (n) :máy tính a machine used for adding, subtracting - calculations :phép tính add,subtract,multiply,devide - lighting speed (n) :thiết bị lưu giữ thông tin a thing used to keep or store information - memos=memorandums (n):sổ ghi nhớ,tin nhắn informal letters usually sent from one person to another in an office - request for leave(n): xin phép nghỉ học or nghỉ làm asking for the absence from class or office 54
  51. -Individual -Ask Ss to read work 7 III. WHILE-READING : the passage and * Task 1: Matching match the words 1.c 2.e 3.a 4.b 5.d in A with the definition in B -Individual 5 -Tell Ss to read work *Task 2: Passage Headings the passage more C. What Can the Computer Do? carefully & choose the best 6 title for it -Pair work * Task 3: Answering Questions -Have Ss to work 1. It (Computer) can help us visit shops, in pairs & answer offices, & places of interest; pay bills; read the questions newspapers using the given 2. It is a miraculous device because it is cues capable of doing anything you ask; it can speed up the calculations 7 -Group work IV. POST-READING : -Ask Ss to work Do you usually use computers? in pairs or groups What do you do when you use computers? and discuss other What do you like most about computers? uses of computer in daily life 2 V. HOMEWORK : Read the text about computers in workbook (page 26) 55
  52. Date: UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Period: 26 Section B: Speaking Aim : By the of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the uses or modern inventions in daily life such as radio life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner Teaching aids: Textbook, white boardmakers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 6 I. WARM UP : Brainstorming - Divide class into -Team A and two group B MODERN INVENTIONS -TV, fax machine, air conditioner, radio, electric cooker, fridge, cell phone, washing machine, car, microwave oven II. PRE-SPEAKING 5 * Vocabulary : - screen (n): -Visual - transmit (v): -Translation - message (n): -Situation - participant (n): -Explanation - process (v): -Translation 7 * Task 1: Asking and Answering -Ask Ss to work in -Pair work A: Can / Could you tell me what the cell pairs to do the phone is used for? substitution drill B: Well, it is used to talk to people when -Stick the posters you are away from home. on the board III. WHILE-SPEAKING -Introduce -Group work 7 *Task 2: Sentence Completion -Divide into groups -Discuss to 1. store 2. transmit 3. process -Control complete the 4. send 5. hold 6. make -Check and get sentences 7. send 8. receive 9. design feedback -Divide class into pairs -Work in pairs 56
  53. -Use the questions 10 *Task 3: Ordering “Why” -Answer 8 IV. POST-SPEAKING *Task 4 : Talk about the uses of -Ask Ss to do -Work in information technology. Use the -Call one St to talk groups information above before class 2 V. HOMEWORK : -Talk & listen Pre -practise speaking at home 57
  54. Date: UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Period: 27 Section C: Listening Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how a person learns to use a computer and improve listening skill through True or False and Gap-filling exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Ask and answer How often do you use each of the items below? -Ask Ss to -Individual very often sometimes never work work and Pair radio independently work cell phone & answer the camcorder question by computer checking the TV right column fax machine 7 II. PRE-LISTENING : * Pre-teach vocabulary : - worried (a): lo lắng to be anxious, at ease - shy (a): ngượng ngùng, xấu hổ uneasy in front of other people - memory (n): bộ nhớ a compartment by which things are recalled to or kept in mind - refuse (v): từ chối reject - make an excuse (v): xin lỗi say sorry - headache (n): đau đầu continuous pain in head * Checking technique : ROR 1 III. WHILE-LISTENING : 0 Set the scene : You hear an old company director talking about his experience of learning how to use a computer from his son. You listen to the tape & do Task 1: Decide whether the statements are True or False. * Task 1: True or False 1. F ( He wasn’t worried) -Ask Ss to read -Individual 2. T the statements work 3. T carefully 4. F ( He understood about computers and before 59
  55. became the man’s teacher) listening to the 5. F ( He didn’t understand the lesson very well) tape 6. F ( He began to feel tired after a few lesson) -Ask Ss to compare their *Task 2: Gap-filling answers with a 1 1.invited 2.still 3.refused friend 0 4.excuse 5.anything Tapescript : Well, I wasn’t worried when my son bought a computer. After all lots of children have parents who don’t understand computers. But when my secretary asked me for a computer in the office, I really became worried. So I decided to take some lessons in computing and my son became my teacher. He was very helpful. He invited me to sit down in front of the computer screen. I did not know what it was called. When asked him what it was, he said that it was a VDU. I still didn’t know what a VDU was, but I was too shy to ask him any more. From that moment my memory refused to learn because he told me a lot of things that I really didn’t understand at all. After a few lessons I began to feel tired. I made an excuse, saying that I had a headache. I suggested we should leave the lesson for another day. Since then I haven’t said anything about the computer to my son and my secretary. IV. POST-LISTENING : -Pair work What did the man’s son buy ? -Ask Ss to 1 Why did the man become worried? work in pairs 0 What didn’t the man know? and ask and What happened to the man’s memory? answer about What did the man suggest? the man’s story V. HOMEWORK: Write the story the students listened 2 60
  56. Date: UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Period: 28 Section D: Writing Aim : By the of the lesson, Ss will be able to write simple instructions on how to use some household appliances Teaching aids: Textbook, samples of some instructions Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Matching -Ask to work -Group work A B in groups and 1. insert a. long bip match the 2. make b. button words in A with 3. press c. card the words in B 4. hear d. a call 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a 1 II. PRE-WRITING : 2 *Vocabulary pre-teach - lift (v): nhấc lên raise to higher level - - receiver (n): ống nghe machine for receiving transmitted signals - insert (v): đưa vào put things into another - slot (n): khe a list in machine etc for something especially coin to be inserted - press (v): ấn nút put a steady force to something emergency (n): cấp cứu sudden and unexpected state of danger calling for immediate action - ambulance (n): xe cấp cứu special vehicle used for carrying stick people to hospital - remote control (n): điều khiển từ xa a device to tune in, switch on and off the TV a distance - cord (n): dây dẫn thick string used as TV wire *Checking technique : ROR *Task 2 : Finding Connectors & Imperatives Connectors : first, next, then, until Imperatives : lift, insert, press, wait III. WHILE-WRITING: * Task 3: Answering Questions 1 1. What do you have to make sure if you want 0 62
  57. to operate the TV with the remote control? -Ask Ss to read -Group work - If you want to operate the TV with the the set of remote control, you have to make sure that the instruct ions on cord is plugged in and the main is turned on. how to use a 2. What should you do if you want to turn on or public turn off the TV? telephone - To turn on the TV, press the POWER button. -Ask Ss to - To turn off the TV, press the POWER button work in groups: again. Look at the TV 3. What should you do if you want to select a & the remote programme? control & - To select a programmer, press the answer the PROGRAMME button. questions on 4. What should you do if you want to watch how to operate VTV1, VTV2, VTV3 and VTV4? the TV - To watch VTV1, press button number 1. - To watch VTV2, press button number 2. - To watch VTV3, press button number 3. - To watch VTV4, press button number 4. 5. What should you do if you want to adjust the volumn? - To adjust the volumn, press the VOLUME button up or down. -Ask Ss to -Individual 6. What should you do if you don’t want to write a set of work hear the sound? instructions on -If you don’t want to hear the sound, press the how to operate MUTE button. a TV with a remote control. IV. POST-WRITING : Use the picture 1 * Task 4: Writing Instructions in the book and 5 the answers above as suggestions -Give the -Copy V. HOMEWORK : assignment Exercise 1,2 pages 33, 34 2 63
  58. Date: UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU Period: 29 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the sounds /u/ and /u:/ clearly and correctly - use the present perfect and present perfect passive appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, samples of some instructions Procedure: T Stages & Content T’ activities Ss’ activities 5 I. WARM UP : Categorising -Ask Ss to put the words Group work Who Which Where under the appropriate heading nurse, teacher, book, park, museum II. PRONUNCIATION : 5 * Presentation 1 -Demonstrate the Whole class /u/ first pronounce the sound /a/ then sounds /u/ and /u:/ by put the back of your tongue forward pronouncing them clearly and up a little and slowly /u/ is a short sound -Help Ss to distinguish -Pair work /u:/ first pronounce the sound /u/ then these two sounds by put your tongue up and back instructing the way to Whole class /u:/ is a long sound pronounce 5 * Practice 1 - Play the tape and ask -Individual III. GRAMMAR & VOC: Ss to repeat work 5 * Presentation 2 -Review the form and 5 * Practice 2 use of the present perfect Whole class -Ask Ss to do exercise 1: Put the situation & put * Presentation 3 the verbs in the present -Pair work 5 perfect tense * Practice 3 -Review the rules of 5 changing active into passive voice Whole class -Ask Ss to work in pairs * Presentation 4 & do exercise 2: Build 5 * Practice 4 the sentences after the 5 model. Use the present perfect passive 64
  59. -Overview of who, which & that -Ask Ss to do exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with who, which or that V. HOMEWORK : 65
  60. Date: UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION Period: 30 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - get information about some famous places in Vietnam through activities Before and After you read - improve reading comprehension skill by doing Multiple choice and Answering questions exercise. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 10 I. WARM UP : Networks -Ask Ss to work in -Group work groups in three to Famous places four & make a list of famous places in VN 5 II. PRE-READING : Do you usually have an excursion? When did you last have it? Where to? What impressed you most? What was the most interesting thing that you did on the excursion? * Set the scene : You are going to read a letter from Lan to her friend. Minh about his recent fantastic excursion to a cave near HN. You read the letter & do he tasks followed. II. WHILE-READING : 10 * Task 1: Multiple Choice -Ask Ss to read the - Individual 1. C 2. D 3. A letter individually & work choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of 10 * Task 2: Answering Questions the sentences 1. They are going on a trip when they have some days off after the first term. 2. They are visiting some caves because they want to understand their geography 66
  61. lesson better and many of them have never been inside a cave. -Ask Ss to work in -Pair work 3. It’s only over 20 km. pairs and answer the 4. They are going to make a two-day trip questions and have a night campfire. They are bringing their own food and sharing buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap. 5. Lan is anxious about her parent’s permission. They may not want to let her st ay the night away from home. 8 -Have Ss work -Individual III. POST-READING : independently & fill work Summary completion in each blank with a 1. is going to go on 2. some caves suitable group of 3. want to see 4. have learnt words from the text. 4. their trip 6. only problem -Ask Ss to read the -Whole class 7. to persuade them 8. her classmates summary carefully before doing the task 2 IV. HOMEWORK : Write your excursion 67
  62. Date: UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION Period: 31 Section B: Speaking Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will to talk about the seat plan on a boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Crossword - Give information of -Group work 1. CAVE 2. SUNS HINE the words in the 3. R IVER 4. EX CURSION horizontal line. 5. P AGODA 6. GEO GRAPHY -Ask Ss to work in 7. M OUNTAIN groups and find the words 10 II. PRE-SPEAKING * Vocabulary pre-teach - sundeck (n) - get sunburnt (v) - travel sickness (n) - air-condition>< non-air-conditioned - refreshments (n) - occupied (a) * Checking 15 III. WHILE-SPEAKING * Task 1 & 2: Conversation Conduct -Ask Ss to work in -Group work groups: Read the seat plan carefully & decide the best seat for each person , using the information in 10 III. POST-SPEAKING Task 1 * Task: Giving Reasons -Tell Ss to work in -Pair work pairs and discuss IV. HOMEWORK 3 - Learn voc + answer the questions again -Do at home -Whole class 68
  63. Date: UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION Period: 32 Section C: Listening Aim : By the of the lesson, Ss will to improve their listening skill: Ordering, Gap-filling and Answering questions exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Find someone Who -Let Ss go -Whole class Do you Name around the class like to go for a picnic? and ask other Ss go with your friends / family? what they used always go to the beach for a picnic? to do when they always go to the mountain for a picnic? were small. bring food with you when you go for a picnic? 8 II. PRE-LISTENING -Ask Ss to work -Whole class * Question and Answer in pairs & discuss the * Pre-teach Vocabulary following - glorious (a) : đẹp trời questions - assemble (v) : tập hợp - destination (n) : điểm, đíchn đến - left-overs (n) : thức ăn còn thừa - delicious (a) : ngon miệng - Botanic Garden (n): Vườn Bách Thảo - spacious (a) : rộng, nhiều không gian - sleep soundly(v) : ngủ say * Checking technique -Ask Ss to work in pairs and III. WHILE-LISTENING study the * Set the scene pictures -Pair work 6 * Task 1: Pictures Ordering carefully 1.a 2.e 3.b 4.c 5.f 6.d -Ask Ss to listen to the ta pe again -Individual 7 * Task 2: Gap-filling and fill in the work 1. was just a few 2. to pay a visit blanks with 3. at the school gate 4. a short tour exact words they 5. playing some more hear 69
  64. 7 Task 3: Answering Questions 1. The weather was very nice. -Play the tape -Individual 2. Yes, it was again & ask Ss work 3. The garden was beautiful to answer the 4. They slept soundly because it was so questions peaceful and quiet in the garden independently 5. They took pictures, played games, talked, sang and danced 8 IV. POST -LISTENING -Ask Ss to work -Group work * Group work project in group of three to four & map out the plan for the picnic this weekend 2 V. HOMEWORK Rewrite Students’ plan for the picnic -Do at home 70
  65. Date: UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION Period: 33 Section D: Writing Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a confirmation letter responding to a request and an invitation. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard maker, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : Introduction -Show a letter -Ask Ss: What is -Answer Confirmation letter it? .It is a letter . Tell me some -friendly, love, kinds of letter invitation, confirmation 10 II. PRE- WRITING * V ocabulary - confirmation (n) -Translation -Listen - to pick some one up -Explanation -Repeat - to be convenient for -Copy - let some one have an early reply -Get Ss to repeat - as soon as possible -Get Ss to copy * Task 1 - Read two letters - Find the requests -Ask Ss to find the -Work in pair . Can you requests and the -Answer . Let me, know confirmation - Find the confirmation . I will . I am going to 15 III. WHILE-WRITING * Task 2 - Write confirmation letters about: - Walk around to -Work in groups . Helping Lan buy something for help -Writing her birthday party . Lending Minh the book with a suggested time 71
  66. 15 IV. POST WRITING -Ask one group to -Write on the board * Correction write on the board -Copy 2 V. HOMEWORK: Exercise D ( page 40 Exercise Book) 72
  67. Date: UNIT 6: AN EXCURSION Period: 34 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to : - pronounce the sounds / / and / / correctly - distinguish the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to and use them appropriately Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 10 I. WARM UP: Find someone who -Prepare a two- -Whole class Are you going to Name column table with take an English class in the Yes? No questions evening? and Name spend summer holiday on the beach? watch the game show Who wants to be millionaire on VTV3 ? go to the cinema ? II. PRONUNCIATION: -Demonstrate the -Whole class 5 * Presentation 1 sounds / / & / / by / / first pronounce the sound / / then pronouncing them put your tongue forward and up a little clearly and slowly / / is a long sound -Help Ss to / / first pronounce the sound / / but distinguish these two make is short sounds / / is a short sound -Instruct the way to pronounce 5 * practice 1 -Play the tape & ask them to repeat -Pair work -Ask Ss to work in III. GRAMMAR & VOC: pairs & practic e the 5 * Presentation 2 sentences -Whole class 5 * Practice 2 -Explain Future forms 1. are you doing 2. is getting -Individual & married Pair work 3. Are you going to 4. am going to be 73
  68. 5 5. is going to * Practice 3 -Individual 1. are going 2. are having -Ask Ss to do exercise work 3. is going to catch 4. are you putting 2: Choose the correct 5 .is not going to give option in bracket -Have Ss to compare 5 and discuss the * Practice 4 answers with a friend 1. Are you going to see it? -Pair work -I’m doing my homework -Ask Ss to do exercise 2. We are visiting our grandparents 3 in pairs: Complete 3. What‘s he going to do with it (the the exchanges, using money)? the present -He’s going to buy a new motorbike progressive o r be 4. It’s going to clean them. going to -Call on some pairs to act out the exchanges in front of the class. IV. HOMEWORK 74
  69. Date: TEST YOURSELF B Period: 35 I/ LISTENING Reading Oxford Location 1. 50 miles to the west of London 6. in central England Population 2. 120,000 people 7. 90,000 people Noted for 3. market town 8. university 4. biscuit factory 9. car factory 5. computer industry 10. Cowley Road II/ READING 1. F (Teachers give too much homework.) 2. F (They say that it is unnecessary for children to do work at home in their free time.) 3. T 4. F (Students have to repeat tasks which they have already done at school.) 5. T III/ GRAMMAR 1. out by scientists 2. opportunities for other 3. there is 4. which attempts 5. all the 6. organizing the 7. inventions a / per / every 8. developed by 9. it is 10. it be wanted IV/ WRITING Do at home 75
  70. Date: TEST 45’ Period: 36 I. LISTENING: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answer. (2,5 points) 1. Pham Thu Thuy enjoys her .job. A. teaching B. learning C. English 2. Her class is from other classes A. disabled B. poor C. different 3. The . children, who are learning how to read and write. A. 15 B. 25 C. 35 4. Some are ., some and others mentally retarded. A. left - pump B. read – write C. deaf – dumb 5. Most of the .come from large and poor families. A. chickens B. children C. students II. READING: Read the passage and do the task that follows. (2,5 points) Minh’s class decided to pay a visit to the Botanic Garden last week. It was a glorious Sunday. They assembled at the school gate on time and travelled to the Botanic Garden by bus. It was a long way to their destination and they sang merrily all the way. The Botanic Garden was a very beautiful place. They made a short tour round the garden and took some pictures of the whole class. Then they played a lot of games on a spacious piece of grassland. One of the boys brought along his guitar and they sang their love songs. They laughed, talked and danced, too. After a delicious meal, they took a rest. In the afternoon, they went on playing some more games. Then they packed up the left- overs and started home. They all felt happy. * Decide whether these statements are True or False ___1. The Botanic Garden was not very beautiful. ___2. They met together at the school gate on time. ___3. They went for a picnic by bicycle. ___4. Their destination was not far from their school. ___5. They talked, danced, took some photographs and played a lot of games in the garden. III. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D (2,5 points) 1 Her farther used to . abroad for his business . A. traveling B. travelled C. travel D. is travelling 2. A new hospital for children .in our city. A. has been built B. is building C. has built D. builds 3. The Browns to the cinema this evening. 76
  71. A. goes B. went C. are going D. go 4. The children their parents for a long time. A. didn’t see B. don’t see C. haven’t see D. haven’t seen 5. A teacher is a person . gives lessons to students. A. which B. who C. he D. whose IV. WRITING: Arrange these words or phrases to make a complete letter. (2,5 points) Dear Lan, 1. My class / to have / is going / Ao Vua / at / a picnic / this weekend. 2. This / first / I / time / go / the / is / for / a picnic. 3. Can / go shopping / you/ the trip / for / things / with me / to buy? 4. I / at / pick / you up / tomorrow / 2:00 p.m / will. 5. Is / time / convenient / you / the / for? Please let me know as soon as possible. Yours Mai Date: CORRECTION OF TEST 45’ Period: 37 I. LISTENING: Tapescript Unit 6 - A. Reading page 1. A. teaching 2. C. different 3. A . 15 4. C. deaf – dumb 5. B. children II. READING: Read the passage and do the task follow. ( 2,5 points ) * Decide whether these statements are True or False 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T III. GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D ( 2,5 points) 1. C 2.A. has been built 3. C. are going 4. D. haven’t seen 5. B. who IV. WRITING: (2,5 points ) Dear Lan, 1. My class is going to have a picnic at Ao Vua this weekend. 2. This is the first time I go for a picnic. 3. Can you go shopping with me to buy the things for the trips? 4. I will pick you up at 2:00 p.m tomorrow. 5. Is the time convenient for you? Please let me know as soon as possible. Yours 77
  72. Mai 78
  73. Date: UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Period: 38 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will: - be updated with names of some popular TV programmes such as Quiz Show, Portrait of life - be able to talk about their favourite programmes. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’s activities 5 I. WARM UP: Magic Hat -Give instruction to -Guess each T E L E V I S I O N play letter (individually) 1 II. PRE-READING : 0 When do you often watch TV? How many channels are there in our -Have Ss to work in -Whole class national TV? pairs: Ask & answer How many hours per week do you the following questions watch TV? * Pre-teach Vocabulary : - Population and Development: Dsố & Pt - TV Series: Phim truyền hình dài tập - Folk songs: Dân ca nhạc cổ - News headlines: Điểm tin chính - Weather Forecast: Dự báo thời tiết - Quiz Show: Trò chơi truyền hình - Portrait of Life: Chân dung cuộc sống - Documentary: Phim tài liệu - Wildlife World: TGTN hoang dã - Around the World: Vòng quanh TG * Checking technique -Ask Ss to read three TV programme 6 III. WHILE-READING : schedules & do Task 1 - Individual * Task 1 : Matching -Match the words work 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b -Have Ss compare and discuss their answers with a friend -Tell Ss to read the 79
  74. 7 * Task 2: True or False programmes carefully - Individual 1. T & decide whether the work 2. T statements are T or F. 3. F (The Nature of Language is the Correct the false documentary programme at 15:15 on information VTV3) -Ask Ss to explain 4. T their answers by 5. F (VTV1 at 5:35 & the last answers by giving programme starts at 23:30) evidence in the reading passage -Pair work 7 * Task 3: Answering Questions 1. Five films are on -Ask Ss to work in pair 2. AT 9:00 a.m , 12:00, 7:00 p.m, on & answer the questions VTV1 and 7:00 p.m, on VTV3 in the book basing o n 3. VTV2 the reading passage 4. The Quiz Show 5.(You should watch) VTV1 6. Football 7 IV. POST-READING -Answer and Interview and retell. interview their Suggested questions: -Supply on board friends -To you, what are popular programmes? -Which programmes do you often watch? -Which one do you like best? What -Remark makes you interested in that programme? 2 V. HOMEWORK : Writing: Tell your classmates about your favourite programmes. 80
  75. Date: UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Period: 39 Section B: Speaking Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will to talk about the differences and similarities of some popular types of the mass media Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 10 I. WARM UP Noughts and Crosses -Ask Ss to choose the -Group work newspaper internet cartoon word in the call and magazine television news make a sentence with radio book drama that word * Vocabulary pre-teach - orally (adv) : spoken by mouth - visually (adv): seen by eyes - aurally (adv): heard by ears *Checking technique 5 II. PRE-SPEAKING *Task 1: Television _Ask Ss to work in pairs -Pair work Radio & decide which items Newspaper are types of the mass The Internet media 15 III. WHILE-SPEAKING * Set the scene: * Task 2: The mass Provide/deliver information and media entertainment -Ask Ss to work in -Group work The radio provide information & entertainment pairs and carry out the orally (through mouth) activity using the cues Newspapers present information visually(through in the book eyes) receive information & entertainment orally(through mouth) and vis ually (through eyes) 81
  76. 13 Television present information & entertainment orally(through mouth) and visually -Have Ss work in (through eyes) groups and talk about get information aurally (through ears) and visually (through eyes) different types of the IV. POST-SPEAKING mass media Which types of the mass media do you usually get information from? 2 Which one do you like most? Why? Which type of the mass media is developing and will develop in the future? V. HOMEWORK Rewrite the conversation Ss have just made in Task 3 82
  77. Date: UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Period: 40 Section C: Listening Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will to better their ability to listen to news editions through Gap-filling exercise. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers, cassette Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Guessing game -Provide three -Group work 1. It is one of the radio programmes. clues about the 2. It broadcasts daily and lively from radio word News / News station. Broadcast . Ss 3. It updates you with the latest information, have to guess the current affairs domestically & word. internationally. II. PRE-LISTENING 5 *Question and Answer -Pair work 1. How often do you listen to the radio? -Ask Ss to work in 2. How many hours per week do you listen pairs ask & answer to it? the questions. 3. What programme do you like listening to & why? III. WHILE-LISTENING -Individual 7 * Task 1: Ticking the words -Ask Ss to do Task work 1 * Task 2: Gap-filling 1 -Individual 0 -Let Ss read the 2 work news stories. Ask Ss to fill in the * Task 3: Answering Questions missing words -Pair work 8 -Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions in the IV. POST-LISTENING: book -Group work 5 -Ask Ss to work in group and use their own words to tell V. HOMEWORK other members 3 Rewrite the latest news into a short about one of the passage. two news stories. 83
  78. Date: UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Period: 41 Section D: Writing Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will to write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of other types of mass media. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP: Brainstorming -Get Ss to write the -Go to the mass media they board to Mass media know write -television, radio, newspaper, the internet 10 II. PRE-WRITING * Introduction * Vocabulary - memorable (adj) -Translation -Whole class - interfere (v) -Explanation - entertain (v) -Picture - violent (adj) -Example * Structures * Task 1: Read about the advantages and -Get Ss to read the -whole class disadvantages of television advantages and disadvantages of TV * Task 2: discuss the advantages and -Gets Ss to fill in -Pair work disadvantages of the mass media, and write the table and write them down in the columns below. sentences 20 III. WHILE-WRITING * Task 3 : Write a paragraph about the -Asks Ss to write a -Do it advantages of computer paragraph on board -Copy down 10 IV. POST-WRITING Correcting -Correct 2 V. HOMEWORK Prepare the section E: Language Focus 84
  79. Date: UNIT 7: THE MASS MEDIA Period: 42 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the sounds / ei/, / ai/ and / i/ clearly and correctly - master the use of the present perfect tense and use because of and in spite of appropriately. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard maker, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : Pelmanism -Give instructions -Play the Do Meet Be Have Take game Had Done Taken Been Met 10 II. PRONOUNCIATION -Ask * Matching A with B -Read and check -Match A B -Listen and 1. / eI/ a. choice repeat 2. /aI/ b. late 3. / I/ c. like -Model Keys: 1.b 2.c 3.a -Explain * Task 1 -Read word by -Listen and word. repeat -Ask Ss to chorally -Listen and individually -Repeat -Model * Task 2 -Listen and -Read distinguish -Ask Ss to work in -Repeat pair -Pair work III. GRAMMAR & VOC 10 * Exercise 1 :Complete the letter, using the -Asking Ss to say present perfect of the verbs in the box the form of the -Working in tense pair 10 * Exercise 2: Complete the following -Getting Ss to do -Taking sentences using for, since or ago -Running through notes Reviewing the -Working in * Exercise: Complete the following structure pair 10 -Running through 85
  80. sentences, using the information in the box -Correcting 2 IV. HOMEWORK - Do more exercises in the book 86
  81. Date: UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: 43 Section A: Reading Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - better their reading skill through vocabulary Matching and Table completion exercises. - Enlarge vocabulary about country life such as bumper crops, cash crops, brick houses, straw, mud Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 7 I. WARM UP: Brainstorming -Ask Ss work in groups -Group work of three or four & Country make a list of words related to the country 10 II. PRE-READING * Picture description -Have Ss work in pairs & discuss the -Pair work * Vocabulary pre-teach questions in the book. - straw (n) : rơm - mud (n) : bùn - technical high school (n) : trường trung học kỹ thuật dạy nghề - farming methods(n):phương pháp canh tác - brick houses (n): nhà ngói - thanks to (prep): nhờ có * Checking technique : Rub out remember -Ask Ss to read the III. WHILE-READING passage and match the * Set the scene words -Individual 6 * Task 1 : Vocabulary Matching - Ask Ss to scan the work 1. b 2.d 3. a 4.e 5. c passage to get specific 6 * Task 2 : Table Completion information to -Individual complete the table work -Ask Ss to work in 6 *Task 3 : Answering Questions pairs -Pair work 87
  82. 8 -Ask Ss to work in IV. POST-READING groups and discuss the -Group work * Discussion question How can people with an education help make the life of their community better? 2 V. HOMEWORK Complete the lesson 88
  83. Date: UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: 44 Section B: Speaking Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about plans to improve life of a village and their possible results. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard makers Procedure: T Stages & Contents T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : -Ask Ss to put Work in pairs *Task 1 Which of the following are the types a stick of the mass media? Put a stick next to the words . 1 -Pronounce -Listen and 0 II . PRE-SPEAKING: new words & repeat * Vocabulary ask Ss to repeat -Copy - orally (adv) -Ask Ss to - aurally (adv) write down - visually (adv) new words - feature (n) - present (n) (a) -Ask Ss to look -Look at the * Checking: R&R at the table & table & do the * Structure : WH-question give a cross task -Check & give -Copy 2 III. WHILE-SPEAKING: the keys 0 * Task 2 -Ask Ss to tell -Practice about the mass T Radio Books Interne media V t 1. Provide information & entertainment orally 2. receive information & -Gives -Pair work entertainment questions visually 3. receive information aurally 4. receive information visually 5. present 6. get 7. provide/deliver 89
  84. 1 IV. POST-SPEAKING: 0 * Task 3 Talk about different types of the mass media. A nswer the following questions 1. What are the different types of the mass media? 2. What feature(s) do the have in common? 3. What kind of the mass media do you like most? Why? V. HOMEWORK: Write a short passage (50 2 words) about your favourite media. 90
  85. Date: UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: 45 Section C: Listening Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to better their ability to listen to news editions through Gap-filling exercise. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard maker, cassette, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP : Question & -Shows picture of a radio -Look at the Answer -Ask questions picture -What is it? -Leads to the topic -Answer the -What is it used for? question -How often do you listen to radio? 7 II. PRE-LISTENING : * Vocabulary : -flood (n) -Explanation -climb (n) -Picture -north-west (n) -Antonym -Mount Whitney(n) -Translation 23 III. WHILE-LISTENING : *Task 1: Ticking the words -Ask Ss to do the Task 1 - Individual work *Task 2: Gap-filling -Let Ss read the 2 new stories carefully & have the -Individual guess of the missing words work *Task 3: Answering Questions -Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions in the book -Pair work 10 IV. POST-LISTENING : Choose one of the new a -Ask Ss to work in groups stories and tell your classmates & tell a new story about it -Group work 2 V. HOMEWORK : Prepare selection D Writing 91
  86. Date: UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: 46 Section D: Writing Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of television and other types of mass media. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard maker, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 I. WARM UP: Chatting -Ask -Answer -Where do you live?/ Where’s your house? I live -Is it near a / far from ? Yes/No -Can you tell me how to get to ? II. PRE-WRITING: 10 *Pre-teach vocabulary - come (get) out of - keep walking -Elicit -Listen - go over -Model -Repeat - walk part -Get Ss to repeat -Copy - take the first/the second - turning on the left - It’s the one with * Checking: ROR III. WHILE-WRITING: *Task 1: Read the letter. Underline the 8 words & phrases you can use to give -Ask Ss to read the -Read direction letter -come out of -turn right# turn left -Write the words or -Do as directed -keep walking -keep on -get over -walk phrases on the board past Read the letter and look at the map. Find Ann’s house on the map. 12 * Task 2 : Write a letter to Jim, telling him -Give situation -Listen the way to your house from Roston Railway -Pair work Station (your house is A on the map) -Ask Ss to swap -Swap papers 10 IV. POST-WRITING: their papers & and correct in Correcting correct them pairs -Observe 92
  87. -Write mistakes (spelling structure) on the board 2 V. HOMEWORK : Write a letter to your friend telling her /him the way to your house from school. 93
  88. Date: UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE Period: 47 Section E: Language Focus Aim : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - pronounce the sound /au/ and / u/ clearly and correctly. - transform direct speed into reported speed following correct rules. - say the difference between when and if in conditional sentence type 1 and do related exercises. Teaching aids: Textbook, whiteboard maker, Procedure: T Stages & Content T’s activities Ss’ activities 3 WARM UP: Clap the board -Ask Ss to go to the -Listen to the T and now , toast, louse, stone, so board clap on the right word TASK 1 1. Pronunciation -Read loudly twice -Listen -Repeat 10 2. Models -Give some -Look at the board example -Repeat 15 3. Exercises/ 89 -Read -Practise in pair TASK 2 Grammar: Report -Ask Ss to open speech statements their books 1. Model : She said: ”I’m happy today” -Think the sentence -Write the example 2. Form : Direct -Remember the rules S+ said ”S +V ” -Give the form of changing into R.S Indirect S +said/told+ O(that)S +V (change tense) -Work in pair 15 3. Practice : The exercises/89 -Ask Ss to practise in a. Exercise 1 pair -Do the exercises -Ask Ss to complete -Remember the b. Exercise 2 -Review the first grammar c. Exercise 3 conditional -Work individually -Ask Ss to work in d. Exercise 4 individual -Do the homework 2 V. HOMEWORK : -Ask Ss to write the Write the answer of Exercises answer of Language focus 94
  89. Date: TEST YOURSELF C Period: 48 I. LISTENING A. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T B. 1. aren’t 2. evening 3. cinema 4. theatres II. READING 1. Because people can sit comfortably at home, watching. They don’t have to go out and pay for expensive seats at the theatre or in the cinema. 2. They can see plays and films of every kind, exciting football matches, current events, the latest developments in science and politics, etc. 3. Because he has everything presented to him while he needs to do nothing. 4. TV will dominate our lives, and we won’t have time to talk to each other and do other things. 5. TV in itself is neither good nor bad. It is as good or as bad as we make it. III. GRAMMAR 1. have been; haven’t had 2. haven’t given; have paid 2. said 4. had taken 5. thought; would come 6. told got IV. WRITING When you come out of the bus station, turn right, and walk along King Street until you reach the traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights into Redham Road. Go straight along the road. The restaurant is on the left, after Beach Parade. It’s quite easy to find. 95
  90. Date: REVISION Period: 49 Section: Reading Aim: By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to read and talk about daily activities. Teaching aids: lesson plan, handouts, pictures. Procedure: T Stages and contents T’s activities Ss’ activities Task 1. Work in pairs . Ask and answer about your daily routine. A: What time do you get up/ go to school/ have -asks Ss to ask -pairwork. breakfast/ have lunch/ have dinner/ go to school? and answer in B: I usually get up at six . pairs. A: What do you often do in the morning/ afternoon/ evening? B: I do the housework . Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow . Every morning I get up at six. The first thing I do is to wash my dishes. Then I cooked breakfast. We eat at about seven fifteen. Usually we have bread and butter, sometimes we have rice, or boiled sweet potatoes. It takes me about ten minutes to walk to school, and school begins with an assembly period at seven forty- five. There are fifteen hundred children in our school and so we meet in three assemblies; the infant department, the middle department, and the senior department. We have seven periods from eight to one. We study Maths, Geography, History, Music, Art and Crafts, 1. The first and English. I like English best and next to that, thing the girl Maths. At ten we have a chance to eat an orange and does when some peanuts. At noon, we do not rest. At one we clean up our classroom and close the school. she gets up is to wash her I go home for lunch, but this time, my sister Patricia dishes. gets the meals. We often eat yams with soup and 2. No, they other dishes. After lunch, I usually sleep for half an don’t. hour. In the afternoon, we play netball. I sometimes skip, run, and jump with the other girls. 3. Noon. 96