Bài giảng Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Viễn thông - Unit 1: Electronics in the home (Part 1)

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Viễn thông - Unit 1: Electronics in the home (Part 1)

  2. NOTE • The difference between home and house • Electronics /ilek'trɔniks/ (n): điện tử
  3. CONTENTS • Reading for a purpose • Understanding diagrams • Describing block diagrams and circuits • Describing diagrams
  4. TASK 1 • Make a list of things in your house which use electronics • Compare your list with that of another group
  5. TASK 1 • Make a list of things in your house which use electronics – washing-machine /'wɔʃiɳmə,ʃi:n/ – microwave oven /'maikrəweiv/ /'ʌvn/ – electric cooker /i'lektrik/ /'kukə/ – television /'teli,viʤn/ – record player /ri'kɔ:d//'pleiə/ – tape recorder /teip/ /ri'kɔ:də/ – fridge /fridʤ/ – refrigerator /ri'fridʤəreitə/
  6. TASK 2 • Find out the meaning of these abbreviations – IC – CD – hi-fi • You can use Appendix 1 on page 188 to help you
  7. TASK 2 • Find out the meaning of these abbreviations – IC = integrated circuit /´intiágreitid/ /'sɜ:kɪt/ – CD = compact disc /'kɔmpổkt/ /disk/ – hi-fi /'hai'fai/ = high-fidelity /'haifi'deliti/ • You can use Appendix 1 on page 188 to help you
  8. CONTENTS • Reading for a purpose • Understanding diagrams • Describing block diagrams and circuits • Describing diagrams
  9. Reading for a purpose • In your study and work, it is important to have a clear purpose when you read. • At the start of most units in this book, you will find tasks to give you that purpose.
  10. NOTE • purpose /'pə:pəs/
  11. TASK 3 • Read quickly through the text on the next page. • Tick any items mentioned in the list you made in Task 1
  12. NOTE • item /'aitem/ (n): mục, mún • mention /'menʃn/ (v) (n) : đề cập, núi đến
  13. TASK 3 • invention /in'venʃn/ • vacuum tube /'vổkjuəm//tju:b/ • device /di'vais/ • century /'sentʃuri/ • radio /´reidiou/
  14. TASK 3 • transistor /trổn'sistə/ • variety /və'raiəti/ • portable /'pɔ:təbl/ • common /'kɔmən/ • unit /'ju:nit/
  15. TASK 3 • microelectronics /maikrouilek´trɔniks/ • silicon /'silikən/ • chip /tʃip/ • lead - led - led • increase /'inkri:s/ • introduction /,intrə'dʌkʃn/ • allow /ə'lau/ • process /'prouses/
  16. TASK 3 • control /kən'troul/ • system /'sistəm/ • sewing machine • household/´haushould/ /'souiɳmə,ʃi:n/ • automatic /ɔ:tə'mổtik/ • telephone /´telefoun/ • dishwasher /'diʃ,wɔʃə/ • dial /'daiəl/ • central /'sentrəl/ • answerphone /'ɑ:nsə/ /foun/ • entertainment • facility /fə'siliti/ /entə'teinmənt/ • video /'vidiou/
  17. TASK 3 • future /'fju:tʃə/ • robot /'roubɔt/ • multimedia /mʌltiˈmidiə/
  18. TASK 4
  19. TASK 5