Bài giảng Pr - Bài 4: Qui trình viết hiệu quả (Writing for the media)

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Pr - Bài 4: Qui trình viết hiệu quả (Writing for the media)

  1. QUI TRÌNH VIẾT HIỆU QUẢ (Writing for the media) QUESTIONS 1. What is the news releases ? 2. Have you ever read a news releases ? 3. How do you read the newspaper ? Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 2 1
  2. WHAT IS NEWS ? There is no clear or consistent definition of news. What is news to one newspaper is often of no interest to another. News value differs between press, radio and television. The style of news even varies between morning, and afternoon newspaper. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 3 WHAT IS NEWS ? ƒ Journalism Ỉ Du jour = “Of the day” ƒ News is about Now ƒ News = f(t) ƒ News is something new, up to minute, unusual, sensational or something which will affect many people and therefore in the public interest. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 4 2
  3. KEEPING IT SIMPLE Your message has to be able to be understood by the person. Use short sentences. Use short paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Not forgetting to strive for smoothness. Be positive, not negative. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 5 KEEPING IT SIMPLE “Fog Index” = word-length and sentence length test. Measuring “readability or simplicity” ƒ Step one: Take a sample of around 100 words from the writing to be tested (complete sentences). Count the exact number of words. ƒ Step two: Devide the number of words by the number of sentences to get the average sentence length. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 6 3
  4. KEEPING IT SIMPLE ƒ Step three: Count the number of word of three or more syllables (excepting long words made up of two simple words) ƒ Step four: Add the average sentence length and the number of long words together. ƒ Step five: Multiply the result by 0.4 to get your Fog Index. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 7 KEEPING IT SIMPLE ƒ Fog Index = 10 Ỉ popular ƒ Fog Index > 12 Ỉ Highly educated audience ƒ Fog Index > 15 Ỉ No audience. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 8 4
  5. 5W1H Golden rule Ỉ Guideline for all writing for the media. I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 9 5W1H WHAT happened WHERE it took place WHY it occurred HOW WHEN And to WHOM Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 10 5
  6. ANGLES This is a term denoting the approach you take on certain facts or information and the way you arrange them. Ex: Imagine a car overturned at a certain intersection in your city and a person was killed. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 11 ANGLES “A man or woman was killed yesterday when his or her car overturned at the corner of X and Y streets”. “A man killed at the corner of X and Y streets yesterday was the 11th victim of this section of road in the past year, raising concern that the intersection is the death corner because of poor sign-posting and inadequate visibility. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 12 6
  7. ANGLES PR professionals specialise in finding “angles” to get publicity in the major mass media. Ex: If the company is launching a new product, straightforward product information is unlikely to make the new pages. But creative PR staff may find an angle that a certain client company has gained 30% increase in efficiency by using the product. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 13 EXTROVERTED WRITING PUTTING YOURSELF IN THEIR SHOES Writing for the media must be extroverted, not introverted Ỉ Imagine someone you know unassociated with the subject reading in front of you. Never writing in relation to your own needs, attitude and intellectual capacity. PR is about the Public. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 14 7
  8. EXTROVERTED WRITING Write simply. Use common words. Avoid jargon, technical terms. Write for the reader and look for angles that will interest the average readers or listeners. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 15 TIME IS THE ESSENCE Timing = The need to meet deadlines, and the special considerations in timing your message. ƒTelevision ƒRadio ƒNewspaper (morning, afternoon, weekly, bi-weekly) The earlier The better Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 16 8
  9. MEDIA STYLE ƒ Criticise or Criticize ƒ Program or Programme ƒ Honor or Honour ƒ Mr. with male surnames and Mrs. or Ms. with female ƒ 10 or ten Ỉ Media style book Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 17 THE INTRO or LEAD The launching pad of a news release for the media is the introduction, referred to as the “INTRO” or the “LEAD” Three principles of a lead: ƒ No more than 25 words ƒ News comes first (who, what, when, where) ƒ Active voice, not passive Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 18 9
  10. THE INTRO or LEAD Vài lưu ý : ƒ Biên tập báo chỉ dành vài giây để nắm bắt thông tin và quyết định xem nội dung này có được dùng không. ƒ Viết cộ động ngay từ đầu, ít nhất đoạn mở đầu cũng được đăng tin. ƒ Thông thường tin bị cắt xén từ dưới lên. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 19 THE INTRO or LEAD Built for just 10,000 USD, a mini-jet aeroplane will be given its maiden flight over Smithtown air base next Sunday by a 21-year-old apprentice engineer who constructed it in his backyard. Pls. reform the news !!! Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 20 10
  11. THE INTRO or LEAD A 21-year-old apprentice engineer will test fly a home-made mini-jet aeroplane at Smithtown on Sunday. The jet, which was built in the backyard for just 10,000 USD, will be tested over Smithtown air base by its designer, (name) Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 21 THE INTRO or LEAD The “Intro” or “Lead” should be the main point. It should be short, and to the point. Its aim should be to grab the reader and make him or her say “I have to read this”. Ỉ AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 22 11
  12. ABBREVIATIONS Use all titles and terms in full on first usage, subsequent references can be abbreviated. Ex: DOS, LAN. RAM, ROM, TCP/IP Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 23 FORMAT FOR MEDIA RELEASES ƒAll meterial should be typed or word processed. ƒWide margins should be provided both left and right. ƒOne side of the paper only – Never double-sided ƒClearly dated and recorded a name and telephone ƒFirmly staple the document together Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 24 12
  13. FORMAT FOR MEDIA RELEASES ƒTiêu đề: Sử dụng ngay giấy có tiêu đề công ty. ƒKiểu chữ: 12, VNI-times, VNI-Arial, hạn chế chữ in. ƒĐầu đề bài báo: Giản dị, dễ hiểu. ƒCách viết: Viết như một văn bản bình thường. ƒCác ký hiệu: Hạn chế Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 25 7C’s IN PR WRITING ƒComplete (trọn vẹn) ƒConcise (súc tích): short term, no repetition ƒConcrete (cụ thể): number ƒClear (rõ ràng): unity, coherence ƒCareful (thận trọng): easy understanding ƒCorrect (chính xác): statistics ƒCourteous (lịch sự): culture, honesty Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 26 13