600 Sentences of Certificate A

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  2. 600 SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE A I. GRAMMAR (300 SENTENCES) 1. Is Susan home? a. in b. at c. on d. under > b 2. "Do the children go to school every day?" " " a. Yes, they go. b. Yes, they do. c. They go. d. No, they don't go. > b 3. What now? a. is the time b. does the time c. is time d. is it > a 4. They always go to school bicycle. a. with b. in c. on d. by > d 5. What color his new car? a. have b. is c. does d. are > b 6. Are there many students in Room 12? - " " a. Yes there are. b. Yes, they are. c. Some are. d. No they aren't. > a 7. You should do your before going to class. a. home work b. homework c. homeworks d. housework
  3. > b 8. Mr. Pike us English. a. teach b. teaches c. teaching d. to teach > b 9. Tom and are going to the birthday party together. a. I b. me c. my d. mine > a 10. Our English lessons are long. a. many b. much c. a lot of d. very > d 11. Bangkok is capital of Thailand. a. a b. one c. the d. an > c 12. Are you free Saturday? a. on b. at c. in d. into a 13. There are girls in our class. a. no b. not c. none d. none of > a 14. Let go for a walk. a. we b. us c. you d. our > b 15. What is your name? - name is Linda. a. Your
  4. b. His c. My d. Her > c 16. What's name? - His name is Henry. a. his b. her c. your d. my > a 17. I'm a pupil. - I'm a , too. a. teacher b. pupil c. student d. doctor > b 18. Is this your pencil? No, it isn't. It is pencil. a. his b. my c. your d. hers > a 19. Are these your coats? Yes they are a. their coats b. ours c. our coats d. yours > b 20. Are your free Friday evening? a. in b. at c. on d. from > c 21. There are six pencils the box. a. in b. at c. on d. into > a 22. Where is your mother? She's the kitchen. a. in
  5. b. on c. into d. at > a 23. How many pictures are there the wall? a. in b. on c. into d. at > b 24. Are you Vietnam? - Yes, I am. a. to b. on c. into d. from > d 25. I'm cleaning the floor. Can your help ? a. I b. me c. my d. mine > b 26. What are you doing? - are planting some trees. a. we b. us c. our d. ours > a 27. Mary is doing her homework and brother is helping her. a. she b. hers c. her d. she's > c 28. Jane's books are on the floor. Please, put on the table. a. they b. them c. their d. theirs > b 29. Please put this pencil in the box. - I'm putting in the box. a. it b. its c. them
  6. d. they > a 30. When's birthday? a. his b. he c. him d. he's > a 31. Whose bicycle is it? It's a. he b. her c. hers d. she > c 32. How old is ? a. she b. her c. hers d. his > a 33. There are eggs on the table. a. some b. any c. many d. much > a 34. Is there cheese on the table? a. some b. any c. many d. much > b 35. How cakes does she want? a. some b. any c. many d. much > c 36. Peter doesn't want eggs, but he wants some soup. a. some b. any c. many d. much > b 37. There is milk in the glass. a. some
  7. b. any c. many d. much > a 38. How meat do you want? a. some b. any c. many d. much > d 39. There isn't coffee in the cup. a. some b. any c. many d. much > b 40. They want coffee, but they don't want any bread. a. some b. any c. many d. much > a 41. Is this your pencil? No, it isn't. It's pencil. a. my b. her c. our d. hers > b 42. parents are workers. a. We b. They c. Our d. I > c 43. This is my new shirt. - Oh, color is pretty. a. it b. its c. their d. they > b 44. He is engineer. a. an b. a c. the d. no article > a
  8. 45. Your sister is a student and his sister is a student, a. both b. also c. and d. too > d 46. My brother is 6.68 m a. short b. tall c. taller d. shorter > b 47. My mother is 32 and my father is 43. My mother is younger my father. a. than b. as c. but d. and > a 48. I am teacher. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > b 49. My uncle is good engineer. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > b 50. That is eraser. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > c 51. We are both doctors. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > d 52. This is ink pot. a. the b. a
  9. c. an d. no article > c 53. They are tall. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > d 54. Hoa is good pupil. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > b 55. That is a bag. It is on table. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 56. We are in same class. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 57. Your book is the desk. a. at b. over c. on d. in > c 58. My pens and pencils are the table. a. at b. over c. on d. between > c 59. My family's picture is the wall. a. at b. over c. on d. opposite > c 60. Lan and Lien are the desk.
  10. a. at b. in c. on d. into > a 61. No ink is the pot. a. at b. in c. on d. over > b 62. We are work. a. at b. in c. on d. over > a 63. The cat is the dog and the mouse. a. at b. over c. between d. in > c 64. His house is the park. a. at b. over c. between d. opposite > d 65. Tom is not my teacher but he is a friend of a. me b. my c. I d. mine > d 66. Is that ruler yours or ? - It's , not mine. a. mine / your b. mine / yours c. my / your d. yours / mine > b 67. Who is that? It's sister. - name is Anne. a. Mary's / Her b. Mary / Her
  11. c. Mary / Hers d. Mary's / She > a 68. This is John. He is a friend of His wife is also friend. a. my / mine b. me / mine c. mine / my d. yours / my > c 69. Tom and Paul are good friends. are very kind to us. a. our / They b. our / Them c. our / Their d. ours / They > a 70. The teacher is speaking. We must to her. a. hear b. listen c. work d. talk > b 71. Nam is 1.7 m tall. His brother is 1.4 m tall. His brother is a. short b. thin c. tall d. fat > a 72. That book is not mine. It is , I think. a. her b. she c. hers d. your > c 73. Who is that? - It is a. book b. Mr. Pike c. ruler d. me > b 74. What is the weather like today? It's today. a. blue b. fine c. sad d. well > b 75. How are you? I am , thanks.
  12. a. eleven b. big c. well d. sad > c 76. My father is a doctor. Lan's father is a doctor, too. They are doctors. a. not b. both c. or d. and > b 77. Oh, look at that cat. is very nice tail is very long and nice. a. It / It's b. It / Its c. It's / Its d. It / It > b 78. This is our classroom, not Bob's. classroom is over there. isn't in the classroom now. a. His / He's b. His / His c. He's / His d. His / He > d 79. These are Bob and Boom. These books are not . are in the desk. a. their / Theirs b. theirs / Them c. theirs / Their d. theirs / Theirs > d 80. house is big but is small. a. Our / Theirs b. Ours / Their c. Our / Their d. Ours / Theirs > a 81. The Bakers English. a. is b. are c. was d. were > b 82. Let us to school. a. go b. going
  13. c. goes d. to go > a 83. Where are Kate and Jane? - They English exercises in the classroom. a. are doing b. is doing c. are going d. are going to do > a 84. Tom and Mary are pupils but Ann a. isn't b. are c. is d. aren't > a 85. What the Bakers at the moment? a. is / doing b. are / working c. are / doing d. is / working > c 86. How your parents? a. are b. is c. was d. were > a 87. What the weather like today? a. are b. is c. were d. was > b 88. It very hot yesterday. a. are b. is c. were d. was > d 89. My daughter is a teacher. My wife is a teacher, too. They both teachers. a. are b. is c. were d. was
  14. > a 90. Ben and Jim are a. architect b. engineer c. student d. brothers > d 91. What is it? It's half past six. a. color b. time c. name d. box > b 92. How many are there on the ceiling? a. clock b. maps c. lights d. picture > c 93. How many erasers are there on her ? a. desk b. wall c. chairs d. room > a 94. What's your sister doing? She's a book. a. singing b. reading c. teaching d. ringing > b 95. The shoes are Peter's. a. bus b. blouse c. both d. brown > d 96. Your are new, Hung. a. shirt b. blouse c. trousers d. hat > c 97. There are boys in our class. a. no b. not
  15. c. none d. no of > a 98. Is Susan home? a. on b. at c. in d. into > b 99. Shall go for a walk? a. us b. we c. you d. me > b 100. It is a quarter one. a. over b. pass c. past d. on > c 101. Are there many students in Room 513? a. Yes, they are b. No, they aren't c. Yes, there are d. No, there aren't > c 102. Pupils are learning a. English b. England c. in English d. in England > a 103. Let's play football. - Yes, a. lets b. we play c. let us do d. let's > d 104. Her birthday is November. a. in b. on c. at d. into > a
  16. 105. Maria is the radio. a. looking b. watching c. listening to c. hearing to > c 106. Let's go out to play now. - No, I am doing my homework. a. all right b. let's not c. we don't d. let's > b 107. My young brother can sing but I a. aren't b. can c. can't d. am not > c 108. When's your birthday? - It's a. in 1990 b. on May 20th c. in October d. in May 20th > b 109. Mr. Baker want a new raincoat? a. Does b. Do c. Can d. Must > a 110. The weather is hot in Vietnam a. in winter b. in summer c. in spring d. in autumn > b 111. Mr. Dickson is very tall and big. He needs a raincoat. a. large size b. short c. long and big d. long and small > c 112. George is short. He needs a. a large size
  17. b. a medium size c. a small size d. a big size > c 113. Excuse me! you speak English? a. Does b. Are c. Do d. Is > c 114. do you need, Annette? a. What b. When c. Where d. Which > a 115. Mary me the way to Ho Tay lake. a. gives b. shows c. tell d. told > b 116. That man brings every morning. a. them milk b. their milk c. milk them d. milk for them > a 117. Take these dishes and bowls the kitchen. a. in b. on c. at d. into > d 118. You to the seaside this summer. a. are going b. are going to go c. will go d. all are correct > d 119. I never at home on Sundays. a. stay b. stays c. don't stay d. all are correct > a
  18. 120. Listen! My sister in the next room. a. is singing b. sing c. is going to sing d. will sing > a 121. Your son morning exercises everyday. a. do b. does c. is doing d. are doing > b 122. Tomorrow my friend's birthday. I some flowers for her. a. is / will buy b. will be / will buy d. is / buy d. will be / buy > a 123. It's often warm summer and cool autumn. a. in / on b. one / in c. in / in d. at / in > c 124. Her birthday is August the third. She always gets a lot of presents her birthday. a. on / on b. in/ in c. on / in d. in / at > a 125. Nam is learning English his room and his dog is the desk. a. at / in b. at / on c. in / on d. in / under > d 126. Are you free today, Paul? No, I am very busy the housework. a. in / with b. on / of c. no word / with d. at / to > c 127. Bob, would you like to go the zoo us on Sunday. - I'd love to, but I am afraid not because I have a lot of exercises to do.
  19. a. with / to b. to / with c. to / to d. no word / with > b 128. Thanks ringing. I am going to see you at half seven. a. of / to b. for / to c. for / past d. of / over > c 129. Rebecca is English but she isn't England. She comes to Vietnam Thailand. a. from / in b. from / for c. for / from d. from / from > d 130. Look that strange man. He is looking Lan but Lan isn't here. a. for / at b. at / for c. at / at d. after / at > b 131. Count one one hundred, please. a. on / to b. to / on c. from / to d. to / to > c 132. Tom is engineer. a. the b. an c. a d. one > b 133. There is ink - pot on the desk. a. the b. a c. an d. some > c 134. What is color of your pen? a. the b. a c. an
  20. d. any > a 135. Kate and Mary are going to cinema. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 136. My parents are always at home on Sundays. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > d 137. What's weather like in winter in your country? a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 138. Please, put these pencils in box. a. an b. the c. a d. no article > b 139. Listen to teacher, please. Don't talk in class. a. the b. a c. an d. no article > a 140. After dinner, I always wash dishes. a. an b. a c. the d. no article > c 141. I never to school on Sundays. a. go b. goes c. went d. don't go > a 142. Mrs. and Mr. Pike dinner at the moment. a. is having
  21. b. are having c. are eating d. b & c are correct > d 143. He eggs, bread and butter. a. is wanting b. doesn't want c. do want d. didn't want > b 144. What time he lunch? a. does / have b. do / have c. is / having d. does / has > a 145. I need a book but she a. needn't b. doesn't c. needs not d. don't > b 146. the Pikes in the garden now? a. Is / working b. Doesn't / working c. Are / working d. Do / work > c 147. There four seasons in a year. a. are b. be c. is d. am > a 148. There any sugar in the jar. a. isn't b. aren't c. is d. are > a 149. Mrs. Mary me English. a. teaching b. teaches c. teach d. doesn't teaches > b
  22. 150. We have much in the rainy season. a. rainy b. rain c. raining d. rains > b 151. The Bakers lunch a. having b. is having c. are having d. has > c 152. I don't have money a. much b. many c. no d. a few > a 153. is the best football team in our school. a. Our b. Ours c. We d. Our’s > b 154. Many retirers feel useless because they a. do volunteer work b. have limited incomes c. aren't working d. can't help themselves > c 155. "It's very painful! I've worked for a long time in my garden," the woman said. a. because b. for c. by d. as soon as > a 156. The woman has hurt her back for too long. a. to bend b. by bending c. for bending d. owing to you bend > b 157. A lot of passengers who in the ship crash are still suffering from shock. a. is
  23. b. are c. was d. were > d 158. "How many ships there in our merchant fleet?" Mr Pike asked me. a. had been b. have been c. had been d. are > d 159. I in this garage as a car mechanic for 15 years. a. has been working b. have been working c. had worked d. worked > b 160. The person who in charge of a car is the conductor. a. is b. are c. was d. were > a 161. She regretted how to ride a bicycle when she was young. a. not to learn b. not learning c. not having learnt d. b & c are correct > d 162. The doctor showed the patient to do some exercises. a. what b. why c. when d. how > d 163. The doctor told his friend all about the woman and asked him for his advice. a. meet b. meeting c. to meet d. he met > b 164. If I had taken your advice, I a better life. a. will have b. shall have c. would have
  24. d. would have had > d 165. We have got high inflation. That's why prices keep up. a. go b. to go c. going d. to going > c 166. They wanted to know why they it for her while she could do it by herself. a. did b. have done c. should do d. have to do > c 167. Firemen rescued several people from the floor of the blazing building. a. high b. top c. basement d. low >b 168. When the electricity failed, he a match to find the candles. a. rubbed b. scratched c. struck d. started > c 169. He filled in the necessary forms and for the job. a. appealed b. asked c. requested d. applied > d 170. She is traveling to work by train today because her car is being a. stopped b. broken c. serviced d. rented >c 171. The film lasted three hours with of 15 minutes between part one and part two. a. an interval b. a pause c. a stop d. an interruption
  25. > a 172. I'm very busy at the moment so it may take a time to answer your letters. a. little b. few c. small d. some >a 173. He was wearing a heavy overcoat to himself against the cold. a. conceal b. protect c. cover d. wrap > b 174. It took Michael a long time to find a pair of shoes that him. a. liked b. fitted c. agreed d. matched > b 175. the traffic was bad, I arrived on time. a. Although b. In spite of c. Despite d. Even > a 176. He was unwilling to explain the reason his absence. a. for b. why c. of d. that > a 177. John Jameson is a famous who stole five million pounds from a bank. a. crime b. criminal c. criminally d. criminality > b 178. your own business can cause a lot of financial worries. a. Manage b. Managing c. Manager d. Manageable > b
  26. 179. The surgeons tried their best to save his life, but unfortunately the operation was a. unsuccessfully b. successful c. successfulness d. unsuccessful >d 180. I understand what you are saying. a. perfect b. perfectly c. perfection d. imperfect > b 181. His promotion to manager was a popular . a. appoint b. appointed c. appointment d. appointee > c 182. A holiday in America can be cheap. a. surprise b. surprised c. surprising d. surprisingly > d 183. My colleagues are very pleasant, but the manager was a little a. unfriendly b. friendly c. friendship d. friendless > a 184. I this morning, and was late for school. a. sleep b. slept c. overslept d. oversleep > c 185. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are a couple but they are very kind to their neighbors' a. child / children b. children / children c. childish / child d. childless / children > d 186. The air is naturally by foreign matter such as plant pollens and dust.
  27. a. contaminated b. contaminate c. contamination d. contaminating > a 187. The heavily atmosphere in some industrial regions is called "smog", a word derived from "smoke" and "fog". a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. pollutant > b 188. Why are you always jealous other friends? a. with b. of c. for d. to > b 189. The form-master was suspicious my intention. a. about b. of c. on d. a & b are correct > d 190. He is confident his success in the final examination. a. about b. of c. on d. a & b are correct > b 191. I was angry myself for making such a stupid mistake. a. with b. of c. for d. to > a 192. They were furious me for not telling them the truth. a. with b. of c. for d. to > a 193. This chemical is harmful us. a. with b. of c. for
  28. d. to > d 194. The monitor is responsible our form-master the class. a. with / for b. for / to c. to / for d. with / to > c 195. We were surprised the way he behaves. It was quite out of character. a. about b. with c. at d. b & c are correct > c 196. These days everybody is aware the danger of smoking. a. about b. of c. on d. for > b 197. Are you still upset what I said to you yesterday? a. about b. of c. on d. for > a 198. We're short staff in our office at the moment. There aren't enough people to do the work that has to be done. a. in b. of c. at d. with > b 199. Scientists and engineers have invented filters and other methods of removing from industrial wastes. a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. pollutants > d 200. I'm sorry the smell in this room. It's just been painted. a. about b. of c. on d. with
  29. > a 201. She's quite nice but I wouldn't like to be married her. a. with b. on c. about d. to > d 202. We are always proud our country. a. of b. on c. about d. to > a 203. I felt sorry the children when they went holiday. It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoor. a. for / on b. about / on c. about / in d. for / in > a 204. It wasn't polite him to leave without saying a word. a. with b. to c. on d. of > d 205. Two things are very alike, so you say they are the each other. a. same with b. same as c. same like d. same about > b 206. You like chocolate, a. and I do either b. and me too c. and I too d. and so do I > d 207. a doctor, I must advise you to give up smoking. a. As b. To c. Like d. Else > a 208. Please find a bill for $50 for the advice a. gave you
  30. b. what I gave you c. which gave you d. I gave you > d 209. She said she meant him much. a. though b. like c. like as if d. as if > d 210. You play tennis I do. a. better than b. more good than c. more well d. more well than > a 211. a lot of other people, we managed to survive the recession. a. Contrary to b. In contrast to c. On the contrary with d. In contrast with > b 212. If you me, just say so. a. disagree with b. differ from c. differ with d. differ by > a 213. If you don't like this one, try something a. other b. more c. else d. another > c 214. How much should I charge giving her all that advice? a. by b. because of c. owing to d. for > d 215. A lot of houses in our neighborhood repairing. a. demand b. need c. require d. use > b
  31. 216. I didn't realize you were a foreigner. Your of English is very good. a. knowledge b. quality c. skill d. speech > c 217. Oh, dear, I see we've coffee. Do you mind drinking tea? a. done without b. gone off c. run out of d. turned out > c 218. I have a very bad for names. a. imagination b. memory c. mind d. thought > b 219. When someone is old he is in his second a. child b. childhood c. childish d. childlike > b 220. She is to leave as soon as possible. a. cautious b. anxious c. worried d. nervous > b 221. The coins are to be over a thousand years old. a. described b. said c. told d. mentioned > b 222. Who will Jean's cat while she is away? a. take care of b. take track of c. take advantage of d. get in touch with > a 223. I don't like your behavior. You are grown up but you are still a. childish / childlike b. childlike / childish
  32. c. childish / a child d. childlike / a child > a 224. "Do you think I to send my old lover a gift on her birthday?" Peter asked. a. should b. had better c. ought d. must > c 225. the rice so that it won't boil over. a. Set fire to b. Put an eye on c. Pay attention to d. Put an end to > b 226. John every new girl he meets. a. takes care of b. takes track of c. falls in love with d. gets in touch with > c 227. Do you the long distance telephone calls which you make in your office each month? a. pay attention to b. keep track of c. take advantage of d. get in touch with > b 228. It is up to the police to these robberies. a. keep an eye to b. pay attention to c. put an end to d. get in touch with > c 229. Sit here with us. We can move over and you on this sofa. a. keep an eye to b. pay attention to c. make room for d. get in touch with > c 230. No one knows who the building. a. set fire to b. put an eye on c. pay attention to d. put an end to
  33. > a 231. John came to see me day. It was last Friday, I think. a. another b. other c. the next d. the other > d 232. I met two strangers on the way to work. One of them greeted me and didn't. a. others b. another c. others d. the other > d 233. He will a special sale to get some new shirts. a. keep an eye on b. take track of c. take advantage of d. put an end to > c 234. Some people like to have the windows open all the time; don't. a. other b. another c. others d. the other > c 235. I can't see him today. I'll have to see him day. a. another b. other c. the next d. the other > a 236. We spent the night in a small village and continued our journey day. a. another b. other c. the next d. the other > c 237. Bill and boys are playing in the yard. Jane and girls are in the front room. a. others / another b. other / others c. the next / the next d. the other / the other > d
  34. 238. She to the cinema last night. a. went over b. went on c. went out d. went off > c 239. I've been trying to him all day. a. fall in love with b. take track of c. take advantage of d. get in touch with > d 240. An ever-growing proportion of this consists of unburned hydrocarbon gases from the exhausts of automobiles. a. pollute b. polluted c. pollution d. pollutant > c 241. His wife died in when he was only 24 years old. a. children b. childhood c. childbed d. childbirth > c 242. policeman directing the traffic. a. Take care of b. Take track of c. Keep an eye on d. Pay attention to > d 243. The bomb when he rang the bell. a. went over b. went on c. went out d. went off > d 244. No one really believed it when the news came through that the "Titanic" had on her maiden voyage. a. gone over b. gone on c. gone down d. gone off > c 245. Does this jacket my trousers? a. go with
  35. b. go through with c. go ahead d. go off > a 246. He about his new car all the time. a. goes over b. goes on c. goes out d. goes off > b 247. Do you think you could this work with me some time, Peter? a. go over b. go on c. go out d. go off > a 248. We have permission to with the plan. a. go ahead b. go over c. go on d. go off > a 249. I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well it. a. go with b. go through with c. go ahead d. go off > b 250. Take a map with you you lose your way. a. in case b. so c. because d. although > a 251. The play was very boring they walked out. a. although b. so that c. since d. so > d 252. I couldn't unlock it I had the wrong key. a. because b. so that c. since d. so
  36. > a 253. He agreed to go climbing he hated heights. a. although b. in case c. since d. because > a 254. He got a new alarm clock he'd get up on time. a. although b. so that c. since d. so > b 255. He hasn't written to us he left. a. as long as b. since c. by the time d. as soon as > b 256. She'll only do the job you pay her more. a. before b. after c. if d. while > c 257. I never take an umbrella it's raining heavily. a. when b. whenever c. if d. unless > d 258. It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it it a great success. a. didn't rain / would be b. had rained / would have been c. hadn't rained / would have been d. rained / would be > c 259. I live in a pleasant room the garden. a. overlook b. to overlook c. overlooking d. overlooked > c 260. I hope they this road by the time we come back next summer. a. repaired
  37. b. will repair c. would repair d. will have repaired > d 261. The book is divided into five parts and each of these three sections. a. have b. has c. will have d. had > b 262. Norman E. Borlaug was the first agricultural scientist to the Nobel Peace Prize. a. receive b. have c. take d. accept > a 263. The building of the new bridge will as planned. a. go up b. put up c. go out d. go ahead > d 264. I see the price of bread has again. a. gone up b. put up c. gone out d. fallen out > a 265. He was caught shop - lifting but since this was his first offence he was with a warning. a. gone out b. gone ahead c. fallen out d. let off > d 266. She her father; everyone says how alike they are! a. takes after b. takes off c. falls out d. lets off -> a 267. There was a power cut and all the lights a. went up b. put up
  38. c. went out d. went ahead > c 268. You look upset, Sven. Have you and Inger again? a. gone out b. gone grey c. fallen out d. let off > c 269. Paul, do you think you could me for the night? It's a bit too late to go home now. a. let me off b. go me out c. fall me out d. put me up > d 270. Children made their hair a. go out b. go grey c. fall out d. let off > b 271. Mexico changed from a country with a wheat to one that was a wheat exporter. a. lack b. length c. shortage d. inadequacy > c 272. Charlie Chaplin was not an instant in Hollywood. a. succeed b. successful c. success d. unsuccessful > c 273. I got a very welcome when I finally arrived. a. enthusiastic b. enthusiasm c. enthusiastically d. enthusiast > a 274. I'm looking for a job. a. temporality b. temporize c. temporary d. temporal
  39. > c 275. In 1829, Morse sailed Europe to study classic art in Italy. a. to b. for c. in d. at > a 276. Was it Bell who the telephone? a. invented b. discovered c. creased d. made > a 277. The rulers of Viet Nam's last imperial line, the Nguyen Dynasty, all came from family. a. same b. the same c. different d. the other > b 278. When a body enters the earth's atmosphere, it travels a. very rapidly b. in a rapid manner c. fastly d. with great speed > a 279. Thank you for bringing me along. I never thought Shakespeare could be so fun. a. many b. much c. few d. some > b 280. You should say and do a. many / few b. much / little c. few / many d. little / much > d 281. Very people knew about it. a. few b. less c. much d. little > a 282. He is a man of words.
  40. a. less b. little c. fewer d. few > d 283. In 1927 Charlie Chaplin received a public from Hollywood in the form of a special Oscar. a. apologize b. apologise c. apology d. apologizer > c 284. heard about the book, but read it. a. Many / few b. Much / little c. Many / little d. Few / Fewer > a 285. "Do you know English?" "Just " a. much b. many c. little d. less > c 286. She has very knowledge of the matter. a. few b. little c. some d. many > b 287. The forces were unequal, they were we were a. many / few b. much / little c. few / much d. little / much > a 288. We have imported computers this year than last year. a. few b. less c. fewer d. many > c 289. There has been demand for computers this year than last year. a. few b. little c. fewer
  41. d. more > d 290. Always make sure your luggage has on it when you travel. a. a card b. a cartel c. a label d. a traveling-bag > c 291. Last December the boss gave all his a bonus. a. employ b. employable c. employee d. employees > d 292. Are you sure we're going in the right ? a. direct b. directly c. direction d. directed > c 293. My new car is more than the one I had before. a. economy b. economical c. economic d. economics > b 294. He works as an for a local firm. a. electric b. electricity c. electrician d. electronic > c 295. I've been since I must find work soon. a. unemployed b. employed c. employable d. unemployable > a 296. She studied at university. a. economy b. economical c. economic d. economics > d 297. The price of has gone up again. a. electric
  42. b. electricity c. electrician d. electronic > b 298. Her was so angry at her attitude that he fired her. a. employ b. employer c. employers d. employing > b 299. She looked at me as she said it. a. direct b. directly c. direction d. directed > b 300. On my salary we have to live as as possible. a. economy b. economical c. economically d. economic > c II. FIND THE MISTAKES (300 SENTENCES) 1. What is the higher mountain in the world? a. What b. is c. higher d. in > c 2. I wish my mother gives me presents more often. a. wish b. gives c. me d. more often > b 3. The teacher was pleasing with the result of your examination. a. The b. was c. pleasing d. of > c 4. The little boy didn't know how lacing his shoes. a. The little boy b. didn't
  43. c. how d. lacing > d 5. You are quite so thin that you can slip between the bars. a. are b. quite so c. can slip d. between > b 6. To turn on the light, I was surprised at what I saw. a. To turn b. on c. was d. at > a 7. I would rather live on a farm than to live in a city. a. would rather b. live c. on d. to live > d 8. The school library is free and open for all the pupils and teaching staff. a. is b. and c. for d. all > c 9. Why don't you borrow books in the local lending library? a. Why b. don't c. borrow d. in > d 10. He had to admit that there were something in what mother kept saying. a. admit b. were c. what d. saying > b 11. The students suggested buying flowers for the teachers in the Teachers' Day. a. The students b. buying c. for d. in > d 12. No one have solved such a difficult problem.
  44. a. have b. solved c. such d. difficult > a 13. During their meat, they discussed what to do at the weekend. a. During b. meat c. to do d. at > b 14. If you write the essay careful, you will get good mark. a. If b. write c. careful d. will > c 15. Ordinary Americans are friendly and not afraid to show its feelings. a. Ordinary b. are c. not d. its > d 16. The girl who were injured in the accident is now in hospital. a. who b. were c. in d. is > b 17. Thank you very much of the present that you sent me. a. very b. much c. of d. that > c 18. There wasn't some directory in the telephone box from which I was phoning. a. wasn't b. some c. the d. from > b 19. The man who I was waiting for didn't turn up. a. The man b. who c. was d. for
  45. > b 20. Women wear make-up to beautiful themselves. a. wear b. make-up c. beautiful d. themselves > c 21. Mai and Lan have a row because they have misunderstood one another. a. have b. because c. misunderstood d. one another > d 22. The workers are building a new bridge which is 150 meters in high. a. building b. a new bridge c. which d. high > d 23. It's no use asking them keep quiet. a. no use b. asking c. them d. keep > d 24. This text is too long for me to read it. a. is b. long c. to read d. it > d 25. I can't get used to doing so difficult exercises. a. can't b. used c. doing d. so > d 26. My father doesn't know speak English. a. My b. doesn't c. speak d. English > c 27. She behaves as if she was a baby. a. behaves b. as if
  46. c. was d. a > c 28. You wanted me to tell you about what I was doing here and how was my life. a. to tell b. about c. was doing d. was > d 29. The course is good, but more hard than I thought. a. is b. but c. more hard d. thought > c 30. Sleeping all day, to eat too much and never going out is unhealthy. a. Sleeping b. to eat c. much d. never > b 31. The dentist gave me a check up and then telling me I needed two fillings. a. me b. check up c. telling d. fillings > c 32. These engines used being started by hand. But now they are started by electricity. a. used b. being c. But now d. are > b 33. This house is often broken off and a lot of things are taken away. a. is b. broken c. off d. away > c 34. My father has a mechanic to repair his motorbike monthly. a. has b. a c. to repair d. monthly > c
  47. 35. There always is one wise woman who is both feared and respected by her people. a. always b. wise c. who d. both > a 36. The woman tells them close their eyes tightly and cover them with their hands. a. tells b. close c. tightly d. with > b 37. They visited America about a thousand years ago, on the eleventh century AD. a. visited b. thousand c. ago d. on > d 38. Ha Dong is the town where I am born and grew up. a. is b. where c. am d. grew > c 39. She is the girl about that I talked to you yesterday. a. the girl b. that c. to d. yesterday > b 40. The lesson that we are learning now is very interested but difficult. a. that b. now c. interested d. but > c 41. She made me to pay for the damage I had done. a. made b. to pay c. for d. had done > b
  48. 42. He warned me to make an eye on my luggage as that place was full of thieves. a. me b. to make c. on d. full > b 43. When you are late for class, you should apologize for your teacher. a. When b. for c. should d. for > d 44. The village that I was born and grew up is situated on the Red River. a. that b. grew c. situated d. on > a 45. Some children, before going to school, go to kindergartens, officially are called nursery schools. a. before b. go c. officially d. are called > d 46. English children start school in six and finish at sixteen. a. English b. start c. in d. at > c 47. I don't feel as tired after a train journey so I do after a car journey. a. don't b. tired c. so d. after > c 48. The child ran fastly to get to school. a. child b. fastly c. to d. school > b 49. If it will rain this afternoon, we will have to cancel our picnic. a. If
  49. b. will rain c. will d. cancel > b 50. He is very weak to lift this suitcase. a. very b. weak c. to d. this > a 51. Sun weather can always be depended on in southern countries. a. Sun b. always c. on d. in > a 52. The man that wife and family are away seems very lonely. a. that b. and c. are d. seems > a 53. Each year more and more people try setting new and unusual records. a. more and more b. people c. setting d. unusual > c 54. Someone else put 49,999 dominoes in a line and knocking them all down. a. else b. dominoes c. in d. knocking > d 55. The peel were actually 52 meters long. a. The b. were c. actually d. long > b 56. Why did all the customers at the Red Lion have to pay of their beer that week? a. did b. at c. have to d. of
  50. > d 57. The heavy rain made it possible for us to have our picnic. a. heavy b. it c. possible d. to > c 58. If you make a five-days trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone everyday. a. make b. five-days c. enters d. zone > b 59. When he arrived at the furniture shop, they had been sold the table he wanted. a. at b. furniture c. had been sold d. wanted > c 60. May Day regularly is celebrated in many countries around the world. a. regularly b. celebrated c. in d. around > a 61. If airplane ticket wasn't expensive, I could fly to Singapore for my holidays. a. If b. wasn't c. could fly d. for > b 62. Friends advised her to stop doing the housework because her old age. a. her b. to stop c. housework d. because > d 63. Although she is 103 but she still does a lot of work in the flat. a. Although b. is c. but d. a lot of > c 64. He had so a difficult exercise that he couldn't do it.
  51. a. had b. so c. difficult d. it > b 65. It is the larger city in Europe with a population of over eight million. a. is b. larger c. in d. of > b 66. It is a beautiful building of two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben. a. beautiful b. of c. very d. called > b 67. Many hundred years ago there were many villages and little towns in England. a. ago b. were c. little d. in > c 68. They usually took a tree back with them and put it on the centre of the village. a. with b. put c. on d. of > c 69. The international working class made the one of May their day of solidarity. a. working b. made c. one d. of > c 70. The first May Day celebrated in England in 1890. a. first b. celebrated c. in d. 1890 > b 71. Television is one of man's important mean of communication. a. is b. man's c. mean
  52. d. communication > c 72. Though TV, home viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands. a. Though b. learn c. about d. in > a 73. TV provides many more entertainment programs as any other kind. a. many b. entertainment c. as d. any > c 74. Poverty desert countries in Africa can grow guayule. a. Poverty b. countries c. in d. grow > a 75. The rubber farms will make a lot of money and give jobs to a great deal of people. a. rubber b. make c. a lot of d. a great deal of > d 76. Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decision of your life. a. Around b. of c. must d. decision > d 77. Junko Tabei, is a Japanese from Hokkaido, was the first woman to make this difficult climb. a. is b. from c. was d. to make > a 78. A Tokyo newspaper - television company had organized the climb in 1975. a. Tokyo b. company c. had organized
  53. d. in > c 79. Bill and Fred was students at a university and they were friends. a. and b. was c. at d. were > b 80. The noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quick. a. The b. of c. woke d. quick > d 81. In April 1984, David Hempleman - Adams walked through northern Canada to the North Pole with himself. a. In b. walked c. to d. with > d 82. David was a bravery man to go on this adventure by himself. a. was b. bravery c. on d. himself > b 83. Biddenden, England is a small town of 1,500 person, with a history of nine hundred years. a. is b. of c. person d. hundred > c 84. Each Easter Monday, old people, widows, widowers, and others living on small incomes take part with a ceremony called Chulkurst Charity. a. old b. living c. with d. called > c 85. Her family were patriots who supported the American Revolutional. a. were b. patriots c. who d. Revolutional
  54. > d 86. She would be killed if that she did not betray the patriots in the area. a. would b. if that c. did not d. in > b 87. The city of Lufkin, Texas, has had much than ten million employees working for it without pay. a. city b. has had c. much d. working > c 88. These employers have not taken vacations, asked for sick leave, or complained about having to work long hours. a. employers b. taken c. asked d. having > a 89. The worms eat the waste and turn it into clean fertilizer whom the city then sells to farmers. a. eat b. into c. whom d. to > c 90. During the Revolutionary War, American patriot wives and children frequently had to take refuge in forts escaping attacks. a. During b. wives c. take d. escaping > d 91. The women would spend their time to make bread and bullets for the soldiers. a. would b. their c. to make d. for > c 92. The women were indignant and decided that they themselves would do one more effort to drive off the enemy. a. were b. decided
  55. c. do d. to drive > c 93. The delay to prevent the surrender and allowed time for reinforcements to arrive and drive off the enemy. a. to prevent b. allowed c. to arrive d. drive > a 94. The Japanese first developed fake food in the 1920s to introduce people to unfamiliar West dishes. a. Japanese b. developed c. in d. West > d 95. David was a young man who working in an office in a big city. a. was b. who c. working d. an > c 96. He decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were much streams. a. to have b. in c. where d. much > d 97. A rich men and his wife went in a shop to buy a bracelet. a. men b. wife c. in d. to buy > a 98. She traveled to villages and religious centers, with only an interpreter and a few men to carry her camping equipments. a. traveled b. religious c. men d. equipments > d 99. She adopted a fifteen-years-old Sikkimese boy to travel with her. a. adopted b. fifteen-years-old
  56. c. to travel d. with > b 100. One day a lady saw a mouse to run across her kitchen floor. a. One b. saw c. to run d. kitchen > c 101. She did not want to go back to the shops because it was very lately. a. did not b. to go c. because d. lately > d 102. The last time I went to London, I didn't have time to visit all the place I wanted to see. a. time b. to c. didn't d. place > d 103. I soon got to know where were the main streets. a. got b. where c. were d. streets > c 104. I can spend quite a long time in Westminster Abbey and learn of all the interesting things there. a. quite b. in c. of d. there > c 105. They are very pleasant to travel by steamer down the Thames from Westminster to Tower Bridge. a. They are b. pleasant c. by d. down > a 106. One day a fame singer was invited by a rich lady to her house. a. One day b. fame c. was
  57. d. to > b 107. At ten o'clock, the singer was asked coming upstairs to the lady's guests. a. was asked b. coming c. upstairs d. to > b 108. William H.Harrison, the man who served the most short term, died of pneumonia several weeks after his inauguration. a. who b. the most short c. of d. after > b 109. Abraham Lincoln was one of four presidents who was assassinated. a. one b. presidents c. who d. was > d 110. James A. Garfield was shot during his first year in office by a man to that he wouldn't give a job. a. shot b. during c. that d. wouldn't > c 111. He doesn't much like the work, but he enjoyed the relationships with the other workers. a. much b. but c. enjoyed d. with > c 112. After getting her six-year-old daughter ready and driving her to the school, she starts on the housework. a. getting b. six-year-old c. driving d. the school > d 113. She finds housework bored and doesn't like to stay at home all day. a. finds b. bored c. doesn't
  58. d. to stay > b 114. A artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. a. A b. to c. beautiful d. for > a 115. The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying so kind things about the paintings. a. pleased b. saying c. so d. about > c 116. Several members of his family did a great deal to encourage him in the field of scientific. a. Several b. to encourage c. in d. scientific > d 117. While he dealt with the deaf and investigating the science of acoustics, his studies eventually led to the invention of the multiple telegraph and his greatest invention - the telephone. a. dealt b. investigating c. eventually d. invention > b 118. Along in jogging and swimming, cycling is one of the best all-round forms of exercise. a. in b. cycling c. one d. of > a 119. It can help to increase your strong and energy, giving you more efficient muscles and a stronger heart. a. to increase b. strong c. giving d. stronger > b 120. Doing too much too quickly can damage muscles that aren't used to work.
  59. a. Doing b. quickly c. aren't d. to work > d 121. If you had any doubts about taking up cycling for health reasons, talk to your doctor and ask his or her advice. a. had b. about c. talk d. ask > a 122. The decay begins in a little crack in the enamel to cover of the tooth. a. begins b. a little c. to cover d. of > c 123. We should eat food that is good at our teeth and our body. a. should b. is c. at d. teeth > c 124. Some accidents cause injuries but some lead to die. a. cause b. but c. some d. die > d 125. The Transport Department organizes road safety campaigns every year in order that reduce traffic accidents. a. Transport b. safety c. in order that d. accidents > c 126. If everyone takes care when crossing the road, there will be more traffic accidents. a. If b. takes c. crossing d. more > d 127. Coffee and tea is favorite hot drinks of people in all parts of the world. a. and
  60. b. is c. drinks d. in > b 128. In the United States, which more coffee is used than in any other nation, many people drink their coffee " black", without cream or sugar. a. In b. which c. any d. without > b 129. In China, Japan and other Oriental countries, where tea is the national drink, people almost use never sugar in their tea. a. Oriental b. where c. almost d. never > d 130. Richard leaves at home at about half past eight, with his schoolbag under his arm. a. at b. about c. with d. under > a 131. He doesn't buy a ticket every day so he has a season ticket. a. doesn't b. a c. so d. season > c 132. Schools in England are not the same from in our country. a. Schools b. are not c. from d. our > c 133. In England school children do not go to school on Saturdays with Sundays. a. children b. school c. on d. with > d 134. In some places, winter begins in November and ending in March or April. a. In
  61. b. begins c. ending d. or > c 135. You can see a lot of childs running and jumping in the snow or playing with snowballs. a. see b. childs c. in d. playing > b 136. One day their mother took them in their aunt's house to play while she went to the big city to buy some new clothes. a. took b. in c. while d. some > b 137. Two old gentlemen lived in a quite street in Paris. a. gentlemen b. in c. quite d. Paris > c 138. They went often for walks together in the streets when the weather was fine. a. often b. together c. when d. was > a 139. In England nobody under the age of eighteen are allowed to drink in a public bar. a. In b. nobody c. are d. to drink > c 140. There is a prison in iceland which allows its prisoners going out without any guards to work everyday. a. is b. allows c. going d. to work > c 141. Mary and her husband wanted to give the old lady to a nice birthday present.
  62. a. her b. to give c. to d. nice > c 142. He is such famous that he has a great many fans. a. is b. such c. has d. fans > b 143. The police caught he because he was involved in a robbery. a. police b. he c. because d. in > b 144. If he doesn't understand the lesson, his father often explains it for him. a. understand b. his c. often d. for > d 145. Most of the building in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception. a. of b. building c. rather d. but > b 146. She has a strongly determination to be a teacher. a. has b. strongly c. determination d. be > b 147. The government are trying playing down their involvement in the affair. a. are b. playing c. their d. in > b 148. The expansion of this factory will to create more employment to local people. a. expansion b. this
  63. c. to create d. local > c 149. There is a chill striking me when I go alone in night. a. is b. striking c. when d. in > d 150. This morning, I encountered a friend I haven't seen for a long times. a. encountered b. haven't c. for d. times > d 151. It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusion from this set of facts. a. is b. to infer c. completely d. conclusion > d 152. He is not very sanguine about his chances of successful. a. very b. sanguine c. about d. successful > d 153. She admires Korean actresses in so far as she wears as them. a. admires b. actresses c. as d. them > c 154. She presented reward for the return of her lost bracelet. a. presented b. for c. of d. lost > a 155. We are interested of the conservation of forests. a. interested b. of c. conservation d. of > b
  64. 156. I think there are any resources that we have left untapped. a. are b. any c. that d. untapped > b 157. He enrichs his knowledge by listening to the radio every night. a. enrichs b. knowledge c. listening d. every night > a 158. We have searched for some of the books to which you need. a. have b. for c. books d. to which > d 159. It is many years for Mount Vesuvius last erupted. a. is b. years c. for d. last > c 160. Reforming the education system will be a difficulty process. a. Reforming b. system c. will d. difficulty > d 161. I found it hardly to keep my concentration with such a noise going on. a. it b. hardly c. concentration d. such > b 162. I keep my reference books near in my desk for convenience. a. keep b. reference c. near in d. convenience > c 163. Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice would spill. a. Put b. on c. otherwise
  65. d. would > d 164. All pilots are responsible for their passengers' safe. a. pilots b. responsible c. for d. safe > d 165. The country air are fresh, moreover, it is not polluted. a. country b. are c. moreover d. polluted > b 166. I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut after I go out. a. make b. checking c. all d. after > d 167. We are having a little get-together to celebrate David promotion. a. having b. a little c. to celebrate d. David > d 168. She is enough old to be independent of her parents. a. old b. to be c. of d. parents > a 169. The train he got on has an accident but he was unharmed. a. he b. has c. but d. was > b 170. You need attach a label to each piece with luggage. a. need b. a c. to d. with > d 171. You should wear conspicuous clothes when to walk at night.
  66. a. wear b. when c. to walk d. at > c 172. She made a few conventional remark about the weather. a. made b. conventional c. remark d. the > c 173. She can look back on her career with greatly satisfaction. a. look b. on c. with d. greatly > d 174. I feel a certain apprehension with my interview tomorrow. a. feel b. certain c. with d. tomorrow > c 175. What was she said convinced me that I was mistaken. a. was b. said c. me d. mistaken > a 176. A well tool-box is a handy thing to have in the house. a. well b. handy c. to d. in > a 177. One of his less attractive trait is criticizing his wife in public. a. of b. less c. trait d. in > c 178. The driver was tooting his horn as he reached the bend. a. The b. was tooting c. as d. reached
  67. > b 179. Try to more positive in dealing with the problem. a. Try b. to c. in d. with > b 180. She had real psyched herself up for the big match. a. had b. real c. herself d. for > b 181. When life was simple, man's needs were few and he could supply their all. a. When b. was c. few d. their > d 182. The woman who come in does not know the man well. a. woman b. come c. know d. well > b 183. I live in Elgol, is a small village on the south-west coast of the island. a. live b. is c. on d. of > b 184. I stop for passengers and empty the five post box along the road. a. for b. and c. box d. along > c 185. I pick up the school children that live along my route and took them to the school in Broadford. a. up b. that c. took d. to > c 186. There are a school for young children in Elgol, but the older children have to travel into the town.
  68. a. are b. for c. in d. older > a 187. Sometimes it takes me about three hours finishing my round. a. Sometimes b. me c. hours d. finishing > d 188. Stories are the goodest way of teaching moral lessons to young people. a. goodest b. teaching c. moral d. to > a 189. I talk about the Tower of London, and then of the lives of people in England today. a. the b. and c. of d. lives > c 190. Sun Jingxiu, a 80-year-old retired teacher, is the oldest storyteller in the country. a. a b. retired c. oldest d. in > a 191. Small children doesn't understand that hot water and hot drinks can be dangerous. a. doesn't b. that c. drinks d. be > a 192. More oftenly the children have fallen through a glass door or window and are badly hurt. a. oftenly b. have c. through d. badly > a
  69. 193. The two young woman are watching people dancing, and waiting for an invitation to join in. a. woman b. watching c. waiting d. to join > a 194. Her dark dress reflects a view of life which is many less optimistic. a. dark b. reflects c. which d. many > d 195. I spent an hour trying to find a phone so that I could ring you telling you I'd be a little late this morning. a. spent b. to find c. so that d. telling > d 196. I wanted something fresh to eat while I were in Britain. a. something b. to eat c. were d. in > c 197. In towns, there was very few bus shelters until about thirty years ago. a. In b. was c. until d. years > b 198. Most people no longer wears the kinds of clothes that protect them from the wind, cold and rain. a. Most b. wears c. that d. from > b 199. Most of them were build in the nineteenth century and some are very grand. a. of b. build c. nineteenth d. are > b
  70. 200. They were intended to persuade people to drink water, instead with beer or spirits. a. were b. to persuade c. to drink d. with > d 201. Communication will be impossible if everyone made up his own language. a. Communication b. will c. if d. his > b 202. The more words you know, the most ideas you can express. a. more b. know c. most d. can > c 203. Words are the main things we using in communicating what we want to say. a. are b. things c. using d. what > c 204. As well as talking with our voices we can also talking with our bodies. a. well b. with c. also d. talking > d 205. They may nod her head to show that they have understood or shake it to indicate disagreement. a. her b. to show c. have d. disagreement > a 206. Written language without of punctuation is not easy to follow. a. Written b. of c. is d. to follow > b 207. We use volume and pitch emphasizing words and make meanings clear. a. use
  71. b. and c. emphasizing d. make > c 208. The division between the roles of the mother and the father is no longer very clearly. a. between b. roles c. no longer d. clearly > d 209. A father can change the baby, dressed the children or make the dinner. a. change b. dressed c. the d. make > b 210. A father is the person who provides us for money to feed and clothe ourselves. a. is b. who c. for d. and > c 211. A dad is the person who you ask for pocket money. a. person b. who c. for d. money > b 212. The table manners you have in a restaurant is very different from those you have at home. a. table b. manners c. is d. those > c 213. All the parks are beautiful kept and are for the use and enjoyment of the people. a. All b. beautiful c. for d. enjoyment > b 214. There always is nearly a crowd at the door of the theatre asking for returned tickets.
  72. a. always b. crowd c. at d. asking > a 215. China teams are famous for their skill in table tennis. a. China b. are c. for d. in > a 216. There was once a foreigner who went in England to learn English. a. was b. who c. in d. to learn > c 217. If you ever go into a house in Japan, you must remembering to take off your shoes. a. ever b. into c. remembering d. off > c 218. Many houses have no other furnitures in their rooms. a. Many b. no c. furnitures d. in > c 219. You will see a bowl of flowers or a long silk paintings on one of the walls. a. a b. of c. paintings d. walls > c 220. You may be surprised seeing that there are no bedrooms. a. be b. seeing c. that d. no > b 221. One of the greatest difficulties for foreign students in American universities are the lecture system. a. One b. difficulties
  73. c. for d. are > d 222. It is not easy to take good notes from a lecture on a foreign language. a. is b. good c. from d. on > d 223. The first skill to learn is how to write only the more important words, not whole sentences. a. first b. to learn c. more d. whole > c 224. Her mother died early with her father tried hard to bring up the four children. a. early b. with c. hard d. to bring > b 225. Marie learnt to read and write in the age of four. a. learnt b. to read c. in d. of > c 226. She worked very hard and became a famous chemist and physicists. a. very b. hard c. became d. physicists > d 227. Jim was having dinner at a restaurant when Henry was coming in. a. was having b. at c. when d. was coming > d 228. He could understand algebra and to speak French when he was six. a. understand b. to speak c. when d. was > b
  74. 229. English is the native or official language on one-fifths of the land area of the world. a. is b. official c. one-fifths d. of > c 230. Many universities, school classes taught in English even though the native language is not English. a. Many b. taught c. even though d. native > b 231. I myself prefer the underground as it is rapidity, easy and cheap. a. myself b. the c. rapidity d. cheap > c 232. There are such many cars and buses in London that one can not drive along the roads quickly, and without many stops. a. such b. in c. that d. without > a 233. If you don't know London very good, it is very difficult to find the bus you want. a. If b. don't c. good d. to find > c 234. Some butterflies flies more than 3000 kilometers on their journey to the south. a. Some b. flies c. more than d. on > b 235. On the wintering places, millions of butterflies cover the trees and ground like a carpet. a. On b. wintering c. of
  75. d. like > a 236. It is certainly true that the average woman has weaker muscles that the average man. a. certainly b. average c. has d. that > d 237. When men lived in caves and hunt animals for food, strength of body was the most important thing. a. lived b. hunt c. strength d. most > b 238. Most of the words are the same in American and in British English, but the American people say any English words not like people do in England. a. Most b. same c. any d. do > c 239. In Canada much people speak English because they also came from England many years ago. a. In b. much c. because d. also > b 240. Jim gets up at half past seven everyday, has breakfast at eight o'clock, and starts works at half past nine. a. at b. has c. starts d. works > d 241. Peter usually gets up at eleven o'clock and has breakfast on lunchtime. a. usually b. gets c. has d. on > d 242. Holiday towns and fishing villages in the South - West are prepared to fight the oil pollution which is threatening local beaches.
  76. a. fishing b. prepared c. which d. local > b 243. Yesterday there was a collision in the English Channel between the "S.P Titan", who is one of the biggest oil tankers in the world, and a Dutch cargo ship. a. was b. between c. who d. tankers > c 244. Helicopters rescued both crews, and nobody dies in the collision. a. rescued b. both c. dies d. in > c 245. Hundreds of small boats, which are carrying detergents, is spraying the oil. a. of b. which c. carrying d. is > d 246. The Amazon forest, in Brazil, covers five million square kilometers - an area as bigger as the whole of Europe excluding Russia. a. covers b. million c. bigger d. excluding > c 247. If the destruction of the forest continues at the same rate, there would be nothing left by the year 2005. a. If b. continues c. would d. left > c 248. Scientists says that the disappearance of the trees is already causing changes in the climate. a. says b. disappearance c. of d. in > a 249. Brunei is one of the smallest but most rich countries in the world.
  77. a. one b. smallest c. most rich d. in > c 250. Most them think that Brunei is in the Middle East but it isn't. a. them b. that c. in d. isn't > a 251. And the beauty is that there are so little people to share all this money. a. beauty b. that c. little d. this > c 252. In 1980 the Sultan met an air hostess calling Mariam Bell and fell in love with her. a. met b. calling c. fell d. with > b 253. Factory chimneys give out smoke that containing sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. a. Factory b. give c. containing d. and > c 254. When it rains, these acids dissolve in the rain and make it to be acidic. a. it b. dissolve c. in d. to be > d 255. Acid rain is believed be the worst pollution problem of all. a. is b. be c. worst d. of > b 256. Acid rain has harmed aquatic life by to turn many lakes into lifeless bodies of water. a. has harmed
  78. b. to turn c. into d. of > b 257. It is not possible to do this on a large enough scale to save all the lake. a. is b. possible c. large d. lake > d 258. Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead which are high poisonous. a. exhaust b. contain c. which d. high > d 259. 1.6 billion gallons were sold every year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. a. were b. in c. hundred d. countries > a 260. It is certainly that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century. a. certainly b. drunk c. into d. twenty-first > a 261. At the intersection for Broad Street and Park Avenue, Kim had the green light and drove into the intersection. a. At b. for c. green d. into > b 262. No one were hurt, but the damage to Kim's car was heavy. a. No one b. were c. to d. was > b 263. When we have guests to our house, we should be very polite to their. a. When b. to
  79. c. should d. their > d 264. The Americans tend to be informal while they're being received company or coming for a social engagement. a. tend b. to be c. being received d. coming for > c 265. Women don't usually shake hands as they are introduced to each other but men did. a. don't b. as c. to d. did > d 266. A Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Suez and separates the continents of Africa and Asia. a. A b. connects c. separates d. of > a 267. Ships sailing in Europe to Asia once had to take the route around the Southern tip of Africa. a. sailing b. in c. take d. around > b 268. She has taken the driven test three times, but she hadn't been able to pass the test yet. a. has taken b. driven c. hadn't been d. yet > b 269. Walt Whitman, born in New York in 1819, was two of America's unusual literary figures. a. born b. in c. two d. figures > c
  80. 270. He has given freely of his time by caring for the wounded during the Civil War. a. has given b. freely c. caring d. wounded > a 271. He had felt that it was necessary achieving a new poetic form in order to communicate his views. a. had felt b. was c. achieving d. communicate > c 272. Although many believed the "talking leaf" to be the gift from the Great Spirit but Sequoyah refused to accept that theory. a. many b. to be c. but d. to accept > c 273. In 1821, after twelve years of work, he had successfully developing a written language that would enable thousands of Indians to read and write. a. after b. successfully c. developing d. would > c 274. After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very richness man. a. inventing b. became c. very d. richness > d 275. Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death, the awards are presented for the winners. a. on b. death c. presented d. for > d 276. No awards was presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of World War II. a. No b. was
  81. c. from d. at > b 277. Franklin initiated many improvement in the city of Philadelphia. a. initiated b. improvement c. in d. city > b 278. Franklin played an importance role in the early history of the United States. a. an b. importance c. early d. the > b 279. Elizabeth Blackwell was born on England in 1821 and emigrated to New York City when she was ten years old. a. was b. on c. in d. to > b 280. She decided that she wanted to become a doctor, who was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. a. wanted b. who c. for d. in > b 281. In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decides to further her education in Paris. a. after b. from c. decides d. further > c 282. Ever since humans have inhabited the earth, they have made use of variety forms of communication. a. humans b. inhabited c. use d. variety > d 283. Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally nor unintentionally. a. transmits
  82. b. certain c. either d. nor > d 284. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeking a human child to take its place. a. believed b. when c. seeking d. to take > c 285. In 1925, he joined the advertising department of Doubleday Page and Company, one of the most large publishing houses in New York. a. joined b. advertising c. the most d. houses > c 286. He was a favorite contributor to many leading magazines, and her name became a household word. a. favorite b. leading c. her name d. became > c 287. We were sitting quiet by the side of a lake when we had an unpleasant surprise. a. sitting b. quiet c. side d. unpleasant > b 288. If you are planning to transfer, remember that you must to obtain the permission before leaving the university where you are currently studying. a. to transfer b. to obtain c. leaving d. where > b 289. You must complete the form I -538, have it to sign by the foreign student advisor at the school where you are currently studying. a. complete b. to sign c. at d. currently > b
  83. 290. As more women in the United States moved up the professional ladder, more are finding it necessity to make business trips alone. a. As b. women c. professional d. necessity > d 291. It is a well idea to encourage your husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away. a. well b. to encourage c. to learn d. meals > a 292. The invention of the electric telegraph gave birth of the communications industry. a. invention b. birth c. of d. communications > c 293. With increasing development and use of computer technology, there is a newly disease to worry about. a. With b. development c. use d. newly > d 294. In some countries in Europe, teachers are allowed giving children some homework only at weekends. a. in b. are c. giving d. homework > c 295. Five prisoners were injured when they attempted to escape in the prison last night. a. were b. when c. attempted d. in > d 296. Is driving a car more dangerous than to fly in a modern plane? a. driving b. dangerous c. than
  84. d. to fly > d 297. I'd like to write applying for the post of accountant in your company. a. to write b. applying c. of d. in > b 298. I have five years of experience like an accountant and can speak English fluently. a. experience b. like c. speak d. fluently > b 299. I feel very happy to get your letter after so a long time. a. happy b. to get c. so d. time > c 300. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it was moved. a. asked b. to get c. while d. moved > d 600 SENTENCES OF CERTIFICATE B I. GRAMMAR (300 SENTENCES) 1. The mausoleum is by Thien Thu mountain, two towering columns and a vast expanse of water. a. feed b. feeding c. fed d. feeds > c 2. Put plants a window so that they will get enough light. a. near to b. near of c. next to d. nearly > c 3. Employers often require that candidates have not only a degree
  85. a. but two years experience b. also two years experience c. but also two-year experience d. but more two years experience > c 4. Richard Nixon had been a lawyer and before he entered politics. a. served in the Navy as an officer b. an officer in the Navy c. the Navy had him as an officer d. did service in the Navy as an officer > b 5. If one of the participants in a conversation wonders no real communication has taken place. a. what said the other person b. what the other person said c. what did the other person say d. what was the other person saying > b 6. The salary of a bus driver is much higher a. in comparison with the salary of a teacher b. than a teacher c. than that of a teacher d. to compare as a teacher > c 7. Professional people expect when it is necessary to cancel an appointment. a. you to call them b. that you would call them c. your calling them d. that you are calling them > a 8. Sedimentary rocks are formed below the surface of the earth very high temperatures and pressures. a. where there are b. there are c. where are there d. there are where > a 9. Farmers look forward to every summer. a. participating in the county fairs b. participate in the county fairs c. be participating in the county fairs d. have participated in the county fairs > a 10. Clipper ships were the swiftest sailing ships that . to sea and the most beautiful.
  86. a. ever were put b. were ever putted c. were ever put d. ever were putted c 11. The ships had their days of . in the 1840s and 1850s. a. glorious b. glory c. glorify d. gloriously b 12. Tea loses its flavor quickly in the hold of a vessel. a. when storing b. stored c. when stored d. storing c 13. Earl was one of the first American artists . landscapes. a. painting b. painted c. for painting d. to paint d 14. The crime rate has continued to rise in American cities despite efforts on the part of both government and private citizens to curb a. them b. him c. its d. it > d 15. In 1778, he to London to study with Benjamin West for four years. a. has gone b. had gone c. would go d. went d 16. No one has been able to satisfactorily explain how or . the Moon sporadically sparks. a. when b. why c. what d. which b 17. The basic fiber-optics system is called a fiberscope, . consists of two bundles of fibers.
  87. a. which b. in which c. where d. what a 18. Physicians can look into the lungs, heart and other areas that were formerly to them. a. accessibly b. access c. accessible d. inaccessible d 19. his highly individual conceptions of music and chaos, John Cage became a leading figure in avant-garde music. a. Such was b. Due to c. Because from d. That > b 20. Sanford Meisner the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York City. a. founding and directing b. who founded and directed c. founded and directed d. in finding and directing > c 21. Experiments in the sonic imaging of moving objects in both the United States and Europe well before the Second World War. a. were conducting b. have been conducted c. had been conducted d. being conducted > c 22. billions and billions of stars exist in the vast space beyond our Milky Way galaxy. a. That is estimated b. An estimate that c. That the estimate d. It is estimated that > d 23. gene-bearing bodies within the nuclei of living organisms. a. Chromosomes b. Chromosomes that are c. Chromosomes are d. Chromosomes while they are > c 24. Abner Doubleday, , was credited with the invention of baseball in
  88. 1839. a. who become a Union army general b. which became a Union army general c. who were a Union army general d. a Union army general > d 25. photosynthesis were to stop, life would disappear from the planet Earth relatively quickly. a. For b. However c. If d. Although > c 26. Each fiber in the bundle only a tiny fraction of the total image. a. transmit b. transmitted c. transmits d. to transmit c 27. Antonio Gaudi, architect of Barcelona's Holy Family Church, died before seeing the structure. a. on completion of b. the completion of c. completing of d. their completing of > b 28. This is the factory at work. a. they are b. where they are c. where are d. in where they are > b 29. America's first globe maker was James Wilson, who and blacksmith in his earlier life. a. a farmer had been b. had been a farmer c. farming d. being a farmer > b 30. Napoleon the West Indian island of Santo Domingo in 1801. a. attacked b. is attacking c. has attracted d. attacking > a
  89. 31. Modern industrial methods have supplanted individual crafts, stone carvers, coopers, and cobblers virtually extinct. a. make blacksmiths, b. made blacksmiths, c. making them blacksmiths, d. making blacksmiths, > d 32. Not only knowledge and skills, but also attitudes in school for students' future adjustment to society. a. when cultivated b. cultivated c. which need to be cultivated d. need to be cultivated > d 33. On Mercator's maps, the far northern and southern polar regions are a. greatly exaggerated in area. b. exaggerating greatly in area. c. greatly exaggerate in area. d. great exaggeration in area. > a 34. On the slope of Long's Peak in Colorado the ruin of a gigantic tree. a. that lies b. lies c. where lies d. lie > b 35. in Shanghai than in any other city in China. a. More people live b. More people living c. It has more people d. More living people > a 36. The earth spins on its axis and 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds for one complete rotation. a. need b. needed c. needing d. needs > d 37. on the environment for the gratification of its needs. a. Each organism to depend b. Every organism depends c. All organisms depending d. Many organisms can depend
  90. > b 38. Of Charles Dickens' many novels, expectations perhaps to many readers. a. the most satisfying one b. most satisfying one c. more than satisfying one d. the more satisfying than > a 39. , the nation's capital remained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. a. While designing Washington, D.C. b. Washington, D.C., was designed c. While Washington, D.C., was being designed d. Washington, D.C., designed > c 40. Children learn primarily by the world around them. a. experiencing directly of b. experience direct c. directly physical experience d. direct physical experience of > d 41. It is earth's gravity that people their weight. a. gives b. give c. giving d. given > a 42. Generally speaking, people should have as their desires will allow. a. much education b. as much education c. education d. for education > b 43. A dolphin six length can move as fast as most ships. a. foot in b. feet in c. foot of d. feet of b 44. With new technology, cameras can take pictures of underwater valleys color. a. within b. for c. in d. by > c
  91. 45. the fifth largest among the nine planets that make up our solar system. a. The Earth is b. The Earth being c. That the Earth is d. Being the Earth > a 46. In mathematics, a variable is a symbol some element of a set. a. and representing b. represents c. that represents d. represents that > c 47. actress's life is in many ways unlike that of other women. a. An b. A c. As the d. That the > a 48. About 20 miles from Boston, a little town named Concord that has a rich history. a. has b. there is c. there are d. where is > b 49. An advisor to both Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman, of Bethune Cookman College. a. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune was the founder b. Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune, who was the founder c. the founder was Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune d. did the founder Dr. Mary Mcleod Bethune > a 50. Warmth, moisture, and oxygen are three necessary requirements most seedlings. a. for cultivating b. for cultivate c. as cultivating d. can cultivate > a 51. They share the housework between them. a. equally b. equal c. they are equal d. and equal > a
  92. 52. A well-known large natural lake is Lake Tahoe, straddles the California-Nevada border. a. and b. which c. since d. for > b 53. Before , they used horse-drawn wooden carts. a. farmers have had tractors b. tractors owned by farmers c. having tractors farmers d. farmers had tractors > d 54. Tuna, , may weigh up to 1,000 pounds. a. is the sea giant b. can be giants of the sea c. one of the sea giants d. the sea of the giant > c 55. Physical fitness exercises can cause injuries the participants are not careful. a. that b. to c. if d. with > c 56. Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than a. to all human beings b. all human beings is that c. that of all human beings d. is of all human beings > c 57. for overall health. a. Extra fiber in one's diet is helpful b. Extra fiber is one's helpful diet c. Helpful one's diet is extra fiber d. One's diet is helpful in extra fiber > a 58. Elephants scratch themselves with sticks a. holding in their trunks b. in their trunks holding c. hold in their trunks d. held in their trunks > d 59. Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" $39.9 million, three times the previous record.
  93. a. once sold for b. for sale once c. selling for once d. for once sold > a 60. Some monkeys, , use their tails in a way similar to a hand. a. like the spider monkey b. spider monkey likes c. to the spider monkey d. the monkey likes the spider > a 61. Black, red, and even bright pink diamonds a. occasionally to find b. occasionally found c. have occasionally been found d. have occasionally found > c 62. Between the California Coast Range and the Sierra Nevada a. great Central Valley b. the great Central Valley c. being the great Central Valley d. lies the great Central Valley > d 63. It is gravity objects toward the earth. a. pull b. that pulls c. to pull d. what pulls > b 64. their territories but rather than fight, they howl. a. Wolves protectively jealous b. Jealous of wolves c. Protection of wolves d. Wolves jealously protect > d 65. strength of 70 horses, a forklift toils all day long in a warehouse lifting great weights. a. Because the b. With the c. Some d. The > b 66. The growth of two-income families in the United States of people moving to a new social class. a. has resulted in millions b. results of millions
  94. c. millions of results d. resulting in millions > a 67. Using a globe can be it is educational. a. enjoyable b. to enjoy as c. as enjoyable d. as enjoyable as > d 68. Each mediocre book we read means one less great book that we would otherwise have a chance a. to read them b. read c. reading d. to read > d 69. Most accidents in the home can be prevented by elimination of hazards. a. that b. that the c. there is a d. the > d 70. problems in sailing in tropical seas is the coral reefs. a. One of the biggest b. The biggest one c. Of the biggest one d. There are the biggest > a 71. The strongest dump trucks work in rock quarries, tons of rocks and soil at one time. a. that they move b. they move c. where they move d. which they move > c 72. Alice Freeman, to head Wellesley College at age 27, is one of the youngest college presidents in history. a. who was appointed b. has been appointed c. that is appointed d. is appointed > a 73. Helen Keller lost both her sight and hearing after a severe illness a. of her age in 19 months b. she was 19 months old
  95. c. when she was 19 months old d. when 19 months old she was > c 74. Because aluminum is lighter and cheaper , it is frequently used for high-tension power transmission. a. as copper b. than copper c. for copper d. more copper > b 75. It is only recently that ballets have been based on themes American life. a. reflecting b. reflects c. is reflecting d. reflected > a 76. Poison oak generates irritating poisons even if people merely brush against the plants. a. they can affect people b. that can affect people c. what can effect people d. which do they affect > b 77. ants live in colonies, keep farms, go to war, carry off slaves, and have a society somewhat like human beings. a. Studies of ant life show that b. Studies of ant life that c. That is studied d. That the studies of ant life > a 78. Generic medications are just as , and much less expensive. a. effectively brand-name products b. brand-name products effective c. brand-name products as effective d. effective as brand-name products > d 79. is no way to tell the exact number of heroin addicts in the United States. a. It b. There c. What d. Each > b 80. Ernest Hemingway is of modern fiction. a. one of the molders
  96. b. the molders one c. who is one of the molders d. the molders who is the one > a 81. occasions for congratulations. a. Birthdays that usually considered b. Usually considering birthdays c. Birthdays are usually considered d. That considered birthdays usually > c 82. Forty-niners to California for gold in 1848. a. rushed b. are rushed c. have rushed d. rushing > a 83. In order for people to work together effectively, they need each other's needs. a. to be sensitive to b. is sensitive for c. sensitivity d. sensitive > a 84. It is good form to use the name of the person a. who are greeting b. you are greeting c. which you are greeting d. greeting for you > b 85. the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease. a. To commit the Red Cross b. The Red Cross to commit c. Committed to the Red Cross is d. The Red Cross is committed to > d 86. People usually can get a sufficient amount of the calcium their bodies from the food they consume. a. need b. needs c. needing d. to need > a 87. It is possible may assist some trees in saving water in the winter. a. the leaves are lost b. when leaves have lost
  97. c. that the loss of leaves d. to lose leaves > c 88. Hollywood, the heart of America's motion picture industry, of Los Angeles a century ago. a. was only a quiet suburb b. only quiet suburb was c. quiet suburb only was d. suburb was quiet only > a 89. Kitchen appliances called blenders became in the 1930s, when Stephen J. Poplawski developed a machine that excelled at making his favorite drink. a. establish b. establishing c. established d. which establish > c 90. Built at the beginning of the century, the Library of Congress houses one of the largest collections of books in the world. a. and fine b. and finest c. or finest d. yet fine > b 91. In the preparation of fibrous material for production uses, stiff woody fibers from plants fibers from animal sources. a. the most heat the b. need more heat than c. than more heat needed d. need the more heat than > b 92. Partnership is an association of two or more individuals who together to develop a business. a. worked b. they work c. work d. working > c 93. Chosen as the nation's capital at the end of the American Civil War, a city of over a million people. a. Washington, D.C., is now b. for Washington, D.C., c. to Washington, D.C., d. now in Washington, D.C., > a
  98. 94. Within an area of only 100 miles, Death Valley sinks to 282 feet below sea level while Mount Whitney to a height of 14,494 feet. a. soaring b. soar c. soared d. soars -> d 95. The cosmopolitan flavor of San Francisco is enhanced by shops and restaurants. a. an ethnic b. its many ethnic c. its ethnicity d. ethnicity > b 96. that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the years to come. a. They are anticipated b. In anticipation c. Anticipating d. It is anticipated > d 97. Birds all over the world in distances up to thousands of miles. a. migrating b. migrated c. migrate d. are migrated > c 98. Cellulose, which for making paper, can be found in all plants. a. is used b. uses c. are used d. is using > a 99. , human beings have relatively constant body temperature. a. Alike all mammal b. Alike all mammals c. Like all mammals d. Like all mammal > c 100. So far there is no vaccine in sight for the common cold. a. or curing b. has cured c. or cure d. having cured > c
  99. 101. The Louisiana Territory, an area the size of France, was bought by the United States from France for $15,000,000 in 1803. a. than more four times b. more than four times c. four times than more d. is four times more than > b 102. Despite claims that filters and low-tar tobacco make smoking somewhat safer, in fact they only marginally reduce, eliminate the hazards. a. none b. no c. not d. nor > c 103. many of the designs for the new capital were considered lost forever, Benjamin Banneker helped reproduce the original plans. a. When b. During c. If as d. How > a 104. Few natural elements exist in that they are rarely seen in their natural environments. a. such small quantities b. so small quantities c. very small quantities d. small quantity > a 105. Generally speaking, every person the potential to be a teacher, to some extent. a. has b. to have c. having d. have > a 106. business, a merger is a combination of two or more corporations under one management. a. The b. At c. On d. In > d 107. of commodities by air began in the 1920s at the same time as airmail service. a. The shipping b. A ship
  100. c. The shipped d. To ship > a 108. Jan Malzeliger's invention, the shoe-lasting machine, production but it also cut the cost of shoe production by half. a. not only increased b. not increased only c. increased only d. only have increased > a 109. It can sometimes a home. a. to take months to sell b. take several months to sell c. selling takes several months d. to sell taking several months > b 110. Jellyfish are probably on Earth. a. most numerous predators b. the most numerous predators c. most numerous of predators d. the most predators > b 111. In the United States is the most concentrated is New Orleans. a. French influence the city b. the city where French influence c. where the city influences French d. where the French influence the city > b 112. A log grabber has a long arm , which stretches out to pick up logs. a. calls a jib b. calling a jib c. a jib called d. called a jib > d 113. A home computer an opportunity for convenient and efficient work at home. a. provides b. to be providing c. which provides d. providing it > a 114. Eli Whitney's milling machine remained unchanged for a century and a half because was so efficient. a. it b. he c. of
  101. d. its > a 115. Some of the rainwater from clouds evaporates before a. reaching the ground b. to reach the ground c. reach the ground d. the ground reaches > a 116. Once an offending allergen has been identified tests, it is possible for the doctor to give specific desensitizing injections. a. means of b. by means of c. of the means by d. by means > b 117. Sometimes wears people out and is worse than the lack of sleep itself. a. to sleep the desire b. the desire to sleep c. to desire sleep is d. the desire to sleep who > b 118. Although dissimilar in almost every other respect, birds and insects have both evolved efficient capabilities. a. fly b. flying c. to fly d. is flying > b 119. The wheel, has remained important for 4,000 years, is one of mankind's first inventions. a. how b. when c. which d. about > c 120. children master the basics, advanced development becomes easier. a. The b. Once c. That d. Even > b 121. there is a close correlation between stress and illness. a. Some psychologists believe b. Believed some psychologists
  102. c. Some psychologists to believe d. Some psychologists believing > a 122. is often used in soups and sauces. a. Parsley, an inexpensive herb, b. Parsley is an inexpensive herb c. Inexpensive parsley, herb d. An herb is inexpensive parsley, > a 123. Perspiration increases vigorous exercise or hot weather. a. during b. when c. at the time d. for > a 124. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster a. than sound is b. does sound c. sound d. than sound > d 125. Even if the unemployment rate sharply, the drop may still be temporary. a. to drop b. dropping c. have dropped d. drops > d 126. Studies indicate collecting art today than ever before. a. there are that more people b. more people that are c. that there are more people d. people there are more > c 127. Thieu Tri was a poet who would pen a verse or two at a moment's notice. a. prolific b. prolifically c. prolificacy d. prolificity > a 128. I've been to the theater of times. a. much b. a little c. most of d. few
  103. > d 129. But of the plays I've seen are modern. a. a few of b. a little c. most d. many > c 130. When I studied Shakespeare, I thought his plays were boring. a. a great deal of b. few c. much d. many > c 131. of Shakespeare's plays are about history. a. A few of b. Many c. Much d. A little > b 132. They spent time studying Victorian literature. a. few b. many c. a large number of d. much > d 133. popular expressions in our language have interesting background. a. Little b. Many c. A large number d. Much > b 134. At the beginning everybody spoke English very quickly and I couldn't understand But after days, it is easier and things I had learnt came back to me. a. much / a few / many b. a lot / little / a lot c. much / much / a great number d. many / a few / many > a 135. They in New York next week. a. arrive b. will arrive c. has arrived d. have arrived > b
  104. 136. This is the best performance of Hamlet that I in years. a. had seen b. saw c. have seen d. see > c 137. They that you are going to be late. a. will know b. know c. knew d. have known > b 138. The people that I here have been very friendly. a. to meet b. meet c. have met d. had met > b 139. The plug has come out of the a. sock b. socket c. socking d. soccer > b 140. She says that she the bill next week. a. pays b. will pay c. has paid d. is paying > b 141. That is the best book that I on that subject. a. had read b. read c. have read d. am reading > c 142. Yesterday I met the woman who us with the work next month. a. will help b. helps c. has helped d. is helping > a 143. That the best movie that I had seen for a long time. a. will be b. has been c. is
  105. d. was > d 144. He said that he me there at 4.30 this afternoon. a. would meet b. met c. will meet d. meets > a 145. Maxwell three dollars for the tie he bought at Macy's. a. had paid b. paid c. pays d. would pay > b 146. The salesman was telling me that he ten cars last week. a. sold b. had sold c. would sell d. has sold > b 147. Did Bob say that he from Princeton in 1951? a. would graduate b. graduates c. has graduated d. had graduated > d 148. We bought a used car that had belonged to an old couple who used the car only when they shopping. a. go b. went c. are going d. has gone > b 149. The man who will replace Mr. Stuart yesterday. a. arrives b. will arrive c. arrived d. has arrived > c 150. We thought that they to Arizona yesterday. a. would move b. moved c. will move d. had moved > b 151. We'll wait until she
  106. a. arrive b. arrives c. will arrive d. shall arrive > b 152. Call Jack as soon as you in town. a. get b. gets c. will get d. shall get > a 153. He knows he has . when he is asked to appear on TV. a. arrived b. arrives c. will arrive d. shall arrive > a 154. I'll think about your suggestion while I for you. a. am waiting b. will wait c. wait d. waits > a 155. Before Jack leaves New York, he several new plays. a. see b. saw c. has seen d. had seen > c 156. They will be very happy when they the news. a. hear b. will hear c. heard d. has heard > a 157. I always better after I have rested a while. a. feel b. feels c. will feel d. has felt > a 158. We will have learned many new words before we through this course. a. have got b. got c. get
  107. d. will get > c 159. It is two o'clock, and I my homework yet. a. haven't finished b. didn't finish c. hadn't finished d. don't finish > a 160. We usually go out to dinner when we late. a. work b. worked c. has worked d. had worked > a 161. She will be ready when he here. a. get b. gets c. has got d. will get > b 162. The child always cries when his mother out of the house. a. go b. goes c. will go d. has gone > b 163. They often listen to the radio while they in their car. a. is traveling b. travel c. will travel d. has traveled > b 164. We saw several old friends while we in Baltimore. a. are b. were c. has been d. will be > b 166. Raymond two new shirts when he was downtown today. a. buy b. bought c. had bought d. has bought > b 167. After we had had breakfast, we the house. a. leave
  108. b. left c. had left d. has left > b 168. I had heard the news before you me about it. a. tell b. told c. has told d. had told > b 169. It when I got up this morning. a. rains b. rained c. had rained d. was raining > d 170. Mary was not feeling well when she down yesterday. a. fall b. fell c. has fallen d. had fallen > b 171. He signed the contract after he each statement carefully. a. reads b. read c. has read d. had read > d 172. Jim had just turned out the lights when the doorbell a. rings b. rang c. has rung d. had rung > b 173. I work so hard that I tired. a. am b. was c. be d. has been > a 174. I'll return the books to the library if I time. a. have b. had c. will have d. would have > a
  109. 175. Richard left dirty footmarks wherever he a. go b. goes c. went d. had gone > c 176. I worked so hard that I tired. a. am b. was c. be d. has been > b 177. Don't handle those cups and saucers as if they made of iron. a. are b. were c. has been d. had been > b 178. I am standing where I the game. a. can see b. could see c. can't see d. couldn't see > a 179. Use the paint-brush as I you yesterday. a. show b. showed c. had showed d. has showed > b 180. Everywhere I there were dirty footmarks. a. look b. looked c. has looked d. will look > b 181. We couldn't play the match because the frog too thick. a. is b. be c. was d. will be > c 182. We shall come and see you if we a holiday. a. have b. will have c. would have
  110. d. has had > a 183. I often avoid to parties. a. go b. to go c. going d. c & d are correct > c 184. He enjoys a lot. a. smoke b. to smoke c. smokes d. smoking > d 185. Their mother often suggests with some friends. a. go out b. to go out c. going out d. a & c are correct > c 186. I don't feel like for a walk now. a. to go b. go c. going d. a & c are correct > d 187. I'm sorry, I can't remember her last week. a. meet b. to meet c. meeting d. to meeting > c 188. Well, I'm interested in English. a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. b & c are correct > c 189. Certainly, It's worth the thesis. a. try to write b. trying to write c. trying writing d. try writing > b 190. Now, I think she is accustomed eight hours a day. a. work
  111. b. to work c. working d. to working > d 191. The fabric is a material which catch fire easily. a. made of b. made from c. made in d. made > a 192. There were signs everywhere people to keep out of the grass in the park. a. to tell b. tell c. telling d. to telling > c 193. It is very difficult a twin from the other. a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. to telling > b 194. He is agreeable to Nam’s proposal. a. about b. to c. in d. with > b 195. There are so many signs along that road down because that road is very slippery. a. warning motorists to slow b. warn motorists to slow c. warn motorists slowing d. to warn motorists slowing > a 196. Each of these sounds me sleepy. a. make b. made c. makes d. has make > c 197. Either Minh or his friends going to the beach today. a. is b. are c. was
  112. d. were > b 198. Everyone in the class the novel. a. has read b. have read c. has red d. have red > a 199. He often his dog when he comes home. a. whistles b. whistle c. is whistling d. are whistling > a 200. One of the golf clubs in the corner of the room at this moment. a. stand b. stands c. is standing d. are standing > c 201. One of the rooms an air conditioner. a. contain b. contains c. is containing d. are containing > b 202. Everyone of the clerks punch the time clock. a. has b. have c. has to d. have to > c 203. Each of his assistants the telephone. a. answer b. answers c. is answering d. are answering > b 204. Each of the girls the piano. a. play b. plays c. is playing d. are playing > b 205. I wonder why the English on the left hand side of the road.
  113. a. drive b. drove c. has driven d. had driven > a 206. He the custom was grounded in good sense. a. say b. said c. has said d. had said > b 207. A horse always mounted from the left. a. is b. was c. has been d. had been > a 208. There no rule about the movement of traffic before the Pope came to visit Paris. a. is b. are c. was d. were > c 209. Thus a custom born. a. is b. was c. has been d. had been > b 210. There only one place in the whole of England where it legal to drive on the right. a. is / is b. was / was c. are / is d. were / was > a 211. The founders of the American nature the custom after the Revolution. a. reverse b. reversed c. has reversed d. had reversed > b 212. When Bonaparte came along, he it the law of the land. a. makes
  114. b. made c. has made d. had made > b 213. The king just here yesterday. a. comes b. came c. has come d. had come > b 214. Many people their jobs because of the firm's collapse. a. lose b. lost c. has lost d. had lost > b 215. I cleaning the floor, and now it's dirty again. a. just finish b. just finished c. have just finished d. had just finished > c 216. I a ghost in my life. a. never see b. never saw c. have never seen d. had never seen > c 217. They dinner before coming here. a. have b. had c. have had d. had had > d 218. He waked up and down until he by the returning warmth. a. is reassured b. was reassured c. has been reassured d. have been reassured > b 219. I will wait until you back. a. come b. came c. has came d. will come > a
  115. 220. We always take out umbrellas with us when it a. rains b. rained c. has rained d. had rained > a 221. I sat near the window whenever I a bus. a. take b. took c. has taken d. had taken > b 222. It was raining hard when I there. a. get b. got c. has got d. had got > b 223. She the piano since she was a child. a. plays b. played c. has played d. had played > c 224. The sun in the east. a. rise b. rose c. rises d. has risen > c 225. How long do you want me to heat the oil? - Heat it till it to smoke. a. begins b. began c. has begun d. had begun > a 226. How long are you going to stay here? - I'm going to stay here till my brother his exams. a. finishes b. finished c. would finish d. will finish > a 227. When will you start the trip? - We'll leave as soon as we our tickets.
  116. a. get b. got c. will get d. would get > a 228. - I'm learning English. - Well, when we English fluently, we may find a good job. a. speak b. spoke c. has spoken d. will speak > a 229. - By the time you this book, your meal will get cold. - Oh, I only have a few pages left. a. read b. will read c. have read d. had read > c 230. - Are you taking English courses? - Yes, and my teacher says that when I five courses, I shall be able to speak it quite fluently. a. have taken b. took c. has taken d. will take > a 231. - Is your father at home? - No, he is away on business. If you have a message for him, I it to him as soon as he home. a. give / gets b. give / will get c. will give / get d. will give / gets > d 232. - Please tell me how to get to the post office? - Go till you to a square with a statue in the middle; then turn left and you it on your right. a. come / fine b. come / will find c. will come / find d. will come / will find > b 233. - What did he say before he left for Paris? - He said he would give me a ring as soon as he Paris. a. reaches
  117. b. reached c. will reach d. would reach > b 234. - I thought you were going to the concert. - I was. But when I got there, the tickets sold out. So I go back home. a. was / had to b. had been / have to c. had been / had to d. were / had to > c 235. - How long have you been working in this firm? - I have been working here for five years. When I here for fifteen years, I'll be able to get some pension. a. work b. will be working c. has worked d. has been working > a 236. Tell us what to you yesterday? a. happen b. happened c. had happened d. has happened > b 237. We you a telegram as soon as we in Chicago tomorrow. a. will send / arrive b. would send / arrived c. will send / will arrive d. send / arrive > a 238. The druggist for home when we to the store yesterday. a. already left / got b. had already left / got c. already left / had got d. had already left / had got > b 239. Mr. Carlson to another man when I him this morning. a. is talking / see b. was talking / saw c. had talked / saw d. has talked / saw > b 240. I Mr. Harris your message when I see him tomorrow. a. give